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They all watched the video in silence, no one made a move to interrupt the performance. At some point in the video Vanya started crying silently, brought their knees to their chest and hugged them tightly.

"That was beautiful." Klaus said, whipping fake tears away.

"Who's that?" Allison asked softly, happy to find something about her sibling that was considered normal.

"That's my ex." Vanya smiled sadly

Klaus gasped and his eyes widened in excitement, "Does that mean I have a gay sister?"

Vanya took a deep breath. They were tired of lying, especially to their family. "Actually, I've been meaning to tell you guys something."

"Don't tell us you have another hidden power," Luther said jokingly.

Vanya chuckled, although not fully. "No, not that I know of. I just..." Vanya stopped and glanced at their fingers, before continuing. "I-I'm trans."

Vanya quickly looked down, not wanting to see the looks of disappointment, or even disgust, they would certainly have.

"Wait does that mean Allison's the only girl now?"

"Really, Diego? That's your first reaction?" Allison said annoyed and Diego threw his hands up in mock defense.

Vanya looked up surprised and relieved. Suddenly, they felt free and light. And they felt more like themselves.

Allison rolled her eyes and turned to Vanya, "What are your pronouns?"

"He/them. And while I don't mind Vanya, I prefer Elliot." Elliot said, a smile slowly forming on his face.

Ben smiled, "Klaus, tell him that I'm proud, that I support him and that I'm glad he finally found himself."

"Benji here said that he's okay with it and he's proud of his new, not dead, baby brother." Klaus said, unspokenly using Ben to express him feelings as well.

"We're all the same age." Elliot deadpanned.

Klaus shrugged, "You're still short"

Elliot punched his arm jokingly in response, a light and warm feeling forming in his chest knowing his family accepted him.

Luther, finally coming out of his shock, asked bluntly. "I'm sorry, I don't wanna be rude but when did this happen?"

Elliot shook his head, "There wasn't really a moment or day where I woke up and knew I was a man, it was something that has always been inside of me but only recently did I come to find out what it was exactly."

"How recently?" Diego barely managed to keep the hurt from his voice. He knew the family wasn't that close, and him and Vanya had quite the history together, but it still hurt, even if he had no right to be hurt.

Elliot didn't seem to catch any of the hurt threatening to spill on the small question, so he answered calmly. "Just a few months ago."

"Well, I hope you know we all support you and love you, no matter what." Allison interumpted the questioning with a big smile on her face.

"Should we start the next video?" Elliot asked after a few moments of silence.

"Sure, let's do it." Diego answered, definitely putting an end to the conversion.

Everyone turned to the screen, and if Elliot saw Five looking at him with a soft smile, he didn't comment on it. Even if it did warm his heart even more.

A/N: Jesus do you guys hate me yet? Ugh literally this chapter is so short and it took so long. Anyways I hope you like it. Btw thanks for the 1.9k views, you guys are amazing.

I hope you like Elliot coming out, I was planning to do this for a while and this video seemed like the right moment. I'm debating whether I should make the siblings slip up sometimes, as it's the most human thing I could do. I have personal experience in this area so if I do it I'll make it as respectful as I can.

I loved reading the comments this past week, they made me so happy, love you guys <33

If you don't wanna read about my writing style and shit just skip this paragraph. Anyways I tried something different in this chapter, I made the verbs in the past tense instead on the present continuous. I did this because I was reading some books and they use the past tense and I was wondering if it was weird for you guys to read it in the present continuous. If not sorry for the sudden change. I might edit the other chapters to make them match more.

Phew that was long, sorry. Anyway thank you so much for giving this story a chance, it means so much to me. Suggestions are always welcome.

Oops I have to go eat, I hope I didn't forget anything. I'll update as soon as I can.

Bye <3

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2021 ⏰

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