Chapter 20: New Life

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Belle's POV:

A month later...

We decided to go to a new country and leave everything behind. Including my past.

So here we are in Nice at the moment. Till we decide to where we want to settle down. We decided to keep the baby. I will probably give birth here if we don't choose another place.

Right now Dante's family run our business till we decide where to settle down.

When we explained everything to Dante's family I was nervous but everything went well. First they were shocked and sad for the things I've been through but when we announced the pregnancy news they were so happy.

"What's up?" Stefano asks as he join me in the kitchen. Right now I was eating strawberry ice cream and Dante was out for a business meeting so Stefano decided to pay me a visit.
He was here for a vacation so he didn't go to the meeting. He was staying here for a while.

"Not much." I say as I roll my eyes.

"What's with the attitude?" He asks.

"Even though I forgave you both for going behind my back and talking about my situation without me knowing and me giving permission or worse making me part of your plans without uttering a word, I can't forgive you for knowing about my situation and giving me the whole strong women speech. Do you know what I went through because of that speech of yours?" I say. Well hormones says.

"What?" He asks confused.

"You want me to repeat that again?" I ask with disbelief.

"No it's not that just umm I mean why would you get mad about that?" He asks.

"Umm cause I am the exact opposite of the character you were describing?" I ask.

"Bella you are the exact same character. Going through that by yourself must be hard and you did that without showing how hard it is." He explains.

"Whatever. Anyway thanks for helping with everything including our business." I say.

"Your welcome." He says and smiles.

The doorbell rings. I go to the door opening it. There stood Dante with another woman and a two children.

I look at her with pure shock. It can't be. I shake my head. She looks happy. Her eyes weren't lifeless anymore. There were full of sparks. There wasn't any bruise on her face. She was smiling a rare sight to see.

She rushes to me and hugs me to her chest. My body tensed up. I mean it's been a decade. It's not easy for me.

"My adorable Belle you are all grown up. Look at you. You look so beautiful." She says with tear in her eyes.

"You are glowing. You must be pregnant. Oh my god." She says as she put her hand on my abdomen. I take a step back. She realizes and I can't help but notice the flash of hurt in her eyes but soon she covers it up.

"Meet your siblings Bibiana and Bennedetto." She says with a smile.  And push them toward me.

"Hi." The little girl says. With a shy smile. In her pretty eyes. I saw it. I saw everything I wanted to have. A family, she has it all. A thoughtful mother. A happy family. A father who probably adores her. Is it normal to be jealous of a little girl? But I am sure it's not weird to be jealous of your own sister. But you are too old for that. Sister such a strange word. Once it was a dream for me. Now I don't mind at all. A tear escape my eye.

"Hi." I whisper.

The little boy nods hello at me. I nod back.

"Guys she is the hero I told you about. The one who saved my life. The reason we have a happy family." She says with a smile as she wipes her tears. I nod with a smile.

I feel dizzy like everything is spinning.

"Are you ok?" Dante asks. I didn't get to answer as I pass out.


I open my eyes on a bed in our room. Dante was sitting next to me.

"Are you alright?" He asks. I nod.

"What happened?" I ask.

"You passed out. Your mother got worried but she had to leave. She left you her phone number so you can contact her if you want." He says. I nod.

"Dante promise me there will be no fucking hiding anymore. I am sick of you doing things behind my back for my benefit. Please let this be the last or I will runaway." I am sure I can't take another one of his surprises. He nods.

"Ok promise." He says. I nod closing my eyes again.


A week passed and I was finally able to make my mind. I met my mother. It went well.

She told me about her life. That a year later she met her husband and fell in love. That he is powerful and took care of her.

Two years later she got pregnant with her daughter and a year later her son.

They were happy and she owes that to me. I told her it's fine. Everyone would've done the same. I told her that we are alright, that I am glad she is happy.

She lives in Spain and was in Paris for their anniversary. I wished her a happy life and told her that we can meet each other some times but didn't promise her to be the perfect daughter.

As much as I love her. She reminds me of my hard times. Most of my memories from her are hurtful. She is beaten black and blue. She understood the reason of my discomfort and promised me that we will make some new ones.

I am more than happy to know that she is alive and happy. That she has what she deserves. A family.


Currently I was laying in bed with Dante. My head on his chest.

"You know that I love you right? And that I am proud of you." He says. I nod and smile.

"I love you too. I am glad to have you in my life." I say. He kisses the top of my head.

"Same." He says.

I feel good. Finally after twenty two years old of suffering I am happy. With Dante and his family, Stefano, my mother and siblings I can say I got what I always wished for. A family. Not only by blood but by heart as well.


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