Chapter 10: gone

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TW: mentions of self harm

Luffy's POV:
I wanted to go away from Torao..but it seems I unconsciously ran to his house. I sniffed, it's not like I have anywhere to go anyway. I entered through the back door, it was always unlocked and I didn't have a spare key. I went to my luggage, grabbing one of the bottles of alcohol torao stole when he got my stuff..why did he even do this for me? It's obvious he doesn't love me. He lied to me this hole time, saying those nice things me..and I fell for it. I went upstairs, wine bottle in hand and locked the door. I looked in the mirror, I could see why torao didn't like me, I also see why  my own dad doesn't even like me. I look like a freak. Maybe torao only used me for my body. After all we did do that yesterday. I didn't wanna think about it anymore. I chugged half the wine bottle before the need to breath become unbearable. A drop of the substance tricked down my chin, I looked at the bottle. It was red wine. No matter how much I drank the thoughts didnt go away. I looked around in the cabinets, spotting a box full of razor blades. Torao must use those to shave. I thought about what that lady said over the phone, "just slit your wrist for all i care."

Law's POV:
I was begging to grow worried. No matter how much I called luffy he wouldn't pick up. Maybe I should go by the school, He'll probably be there. I exited through the hospital. The school wasn't far as I expected. I looked around the parking lot, through the back and everywhere outside the school. Maybe I should ask the front office? I went in, going to the principle. "Hello, has Monkey D luffy left this afternoon by any chance?" I asked the principle, getting straight to the point. "Yes, he walked home not to long ago from what I saw." Good, I was worried for nothing. Luffy's fine, he probably got impatient and stared walking. Sounds like him. "Thank you." I thanked exiting the school. I'll just have to tell luffy to tell me next time he goes without me. I made my way to my house as usual, maybe me and luffy should go on a date or something..he likes to go places. Maybe I'll take him to a restaurant, or the beach? He seems like he'd really enjoy that. It would be our first date..I'll ask him when I get there. As I approached the home, I grabbed the keys unlocking the front door. I entered and to my surprise luffy wasn't in the living room. Maybe he's in our room? I went upstairs, before I could even reach the room I heard faint sobs coming from..the bathroom? I jiggled the doorknob, it's locked. "Luffy? Are you in there?" I questioned pressing my ear against the door. "Go away!" He yelled from the other side of the door. "Is everything ok?" I'm concerned now. Whats he doing? "No.." of course it's not. "I..I know your seeing someone else." He spoke with a sniffle. "Where would you get that idea?" A small silence passed. "I tried to call y-you at work today. It was getting late and I wanted you to pick me up, but a women answered the phone. She told me that you had devoted yourself to her..and than you'd didn't need me and  were using me. I didnt wanna believe it, but..I saw you with her. Half n-naked. When I went to the Hospital.." oh gosh. I felt my heart sink, someone like him Dosent deserve this. "Listen luffy, I can expla-" I was interrupted by a loud hiccup. Was he drinking? "Luffy..are you drinking?" I asked calmly. "..yes." Of course he is. "Luffy, please unlock the door." I spoke jiggling the doorknob. "No..I don't wanna see your face right now." He muttered from the other side of the door, I felt my heart sink. If he would give me a chance to explain this wouldn't be a problem, but he's always been this way. Stubborn. "How about this, just hand me the wine bottle. Open the door and give me it. I'll give you space after that." I spoke. I heard a small sigh from the other side of the door. "Ok..b-but please close your eyes. I don't want you to see me like this." See him like what'? What's he doing? I sighed, if it's what he wants than I won't argue. I'll talk when he's ready to listen. I heard sounds from the other side, and soon the door opened. I closed my eyes, reaching my hand out. "Hand it over." I spoke. I felt the wine bottle right in my grasp, until it slipped that is. I flinched as I heard the glass shatter across the bathroom, instinctively opening my eyes. I was in complete shock, Luffy was standing there. His shirt and sleeves stained with blood. I looked over to the sink and saw a box of open razors. Did he..I looked at his arms. His wrists were slit open as he bled out onto the floor. "Luffy!"

Luffy's POV:
"Luffy!" Torao yelled running towards me, stepping over the shards of glass. He was luckily wearing shoes. He grabbed my hands, trying to take a better look at my wrists. Given he's a doctor it's natural..but I told him not to open his eyes. "Don't touch me!" I shrieked pulling my hands away. "Luffy, are you crazy?!" He yelled. Tears pooled out of my eyes. "Why would you do this to yourself?" I sniffed. "..she t-told me to do this to myself." I confessed, my sobs growing heavier. For a moment, torao  looked almost angry. I looked down at the floor,  ashamed. But than something unexpected happened. Torao hugged me. I was so angry yet so weak. I sobbed against his shoulder, wrapping my arms around him. "Please let me take you to the hospital. I don't want you to bleed on the floor." He spoke pulling away, facing me. "I'll explain everything that happened earlier after. Just please listen to me. You trust me right?" I hesitated. Do I? I wasn't even given a chance to speak before torao picked me up, carrying me bridal style. I couldn't even react, I started to feel dizzy. It felt as if I was growing weaker by the second. "T-torao..I feel sleepy." I mumbled as he placed me in the passengers seat of the car. "Probably from the blood loss." He said turning the keys, starting up the car. I looked down at my rists, they really did look bad..I hope Torao has a good reason for what happened though. "Here." He suddenly spoke, handing me cold wet rags. "Press down on them with these. It should help at least till we get there." I nodded. Holding them against my wrist as me and Torao drove off. I still felt light headed though. I soon felt my vision go blurry, as I fell asleep against the passenger's seat.

Law's POV:
Soon enough we reached the hospital. It had been so packed yet me and luffy had only left half an hour ago. I turned over to see luffy fast asleep, probably passed out. I carried him bridal style, being sure the cloths on his hands didn't fall off until we got there. "Law?" Bonney spoke eating a pizza, a bag in her hand. "Didn't you just get off? Who's that?" She asked pointing to the unconscious luffy in my arms. "He's someone important to me. Something happened and I need to help him out." I spoke sincerely. "I was about to leave, but do you mind if I help?" Bonney asked putting her bag down. "Of course." I said quickly, rushing to an available room. "This one has no one in it, lets go here." Bonney assured pointing to a room at the end of the hall. I hurried there, not stopping anymore. I laid Luffy flat on the bed. Plugging in the heart monitor, blood machine and other things he might need. It wasn't much since it mostly had to do with blood loss, but he could have popped a vein. The cuts were deep from what I saw. Bonney helped me and stuck a blood tube into each of his wrists. Afterwords we treated his wounds, stitching up the cuts after sanitizing. We did all we could until there was only one thing left to do, wait. Wait for luffy to wake up.

-Timeskip, two days later-

I fluttered my baggy eyes open, feeling drowsiness. Damn, I fell asleep. I stayed up the whole night during the first night luffy had spent the hospital, but it looks like I fell asleep last night. I looked over to luffy's bed. Only to find..he wasn't there. I immediately panicked, heading for the door. Exiting the room. I found Bonney at the front desk like usual. "Where's luffy? Why's he gone? Is he awake?" I immediately spilled all my questions to her. "Woah, calm it down. You don't need to worry, When he woke up you were already asleep. So I called his emergency contact." I felt my mind's not bonney's fault. I told her he was friend, she would have had no way of knowing he was living with me. But his emergency contact..couldn't's not him right? It can't be. "Hey Bonney, who's luffy's emergency contact?" I asked trying my best to remain calm, I was freaking out on the inside. "Monkey D. Dragon, why do you ask?" Well shit.

To be continued...

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