EPISODE 17 (Villain Attack 1/2)

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The Third Day (Noon)

Aizawa: Remedial group why you stop moving

Kirishima: need rest..

Mina: sorry just.. a little sleepy

Kaminari: those extra lessons yesterday..

Aizawa: I told you I'll be rough this is what happens when you perform poorly during the finals uraraka, aoyama

Uraraka,Aoyama: Hai

Aizawa: be better next time your final we're a close call you needed 30 points to pass and you two got 35

Always be conscious of who you are that the key to improvement that why your here sweating why I'm always so hard who you are

Melissa: by the way aizawa sense I this is the third day aren't the other teacher coming?

Aizawa: were keeping staff to a minimum to make it harder or the villains to pin us down

Ragdoll: that why your staying with us!
And as for allmight he's more than likely one of the villains target so of course he won't be coming here

Melissa: I see..

Pixeibob: mew mew mew license everyone tonight both classes are going to head to head in a test of courage

Kendo: ah almost forgot about that

Izuku: yea me too

Jirou: seriously I hate scary things

Tokoyami: a banquet of darkness

Pixiebob: with that said work your butts of its mealtime!!

Class A,B: Yes ma'am

Time Skip

Pixiebob: bellies are full dishes are clean next up is!


Aizawa: sorry to break it to you remedial group you've got extra lesson with me

Mina: NO WAAAY!!!

Aizawa uses his capture gear towards the ones that failed their finals not letting any of them escape

Aizawa: sorry but you were slacking during training earlier so now I'm gonna cut your playtime

Kaminari: Waah give us a break

Aizawa: okay I'll let Sero leave since he was with bakugo and would probably not being able to show his skills because of him

The group: WHAT!! (Your dead!!)

Sero: Yahoo!! (Ha I'm in danger)

Pixiebob: okay class 1b will be on the offensive and class 1a will head into the forest in team of two it should only take you 15 minutes for each team to finish

Izuku: teams of two...? Wait there's are 19 of us minos 4 getting extra lesson... That leave one extra

Ojiro: sorry Midoriya with Sero joining on it was inevitable that someone would be alone

Izuku didn't like this waking alone in a dark forest we all watch movies and know what happend he looked for someone for help until his eyes were on melissa but she was giving him a goofy smirk she when to kendo and asked her something and she just nodded in response and began to walk toward Izuku

Kendo: hey Midoriya did you wanted to tell me something?

Izuku: ( damn you melissa!! ) W-well a-as you see i-im the o-only one wi-th out a part-ner and I w-was wondering if yo-you could be--

IZUKU THE IOP GOD (Paused/Rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now