Trost Pt.7

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~~Time skip to Eren being interrogated~~

The elevator cart clanged to a stop, jolting our bodies. I was giving a passed out Eren a piggy back ride and tried to stay calm. This boy was a titan. And this idiots cool breath is on my neck-- sorry. I know. Wrong time.

"Careful..." Mikasa whispered urgently, staring at Eren and occasionally glancing accusingly at me. I thought she would've forgave me already for not being there when Eren needed me, but apparently not. Armin, Mikasa, and I got out of the cart as the rest of the group was left to go back up. We walked forward, guns, eyes, and tension, on us.

I set Eren down, letting him lean against my shoulder, his head still buried in the crook of my neck. I put my arm around his waist protectively while Mikasa and Armin flanked me. We glared down those barrels and said nothing.

I felt Eren stir and glance over to meet his clear blue green eyes staring into space.
"I'll kill 'em" Eren said creepily, an evil look plastered on his face. His eyes were clouded with insanity and I almost backed away from him.

"Eren?!" Armin shook is shoulder lightly.

He glanced around and finally grasped the situation. Gasping in panic, he tore sway from me, getting Mikasa's attention.


"Eren! Can you move your body? Can you think straight?" Armin panicked and grabbed his shoulders firmly. I stared at the three of them and wondered what could've happened to make them trust each other so much. "Tell them what you know. I'm sure they'll understand!" Armin had tears of fear in his eyes.

"Armin?" Eren whispered, confused. I decided to stay quiet. It wasn't my place to be their best friend right now. Eren need reassurance, something someone like me couldn't give him.

"Did you hear that?" Someone in the crowd of guns and knifes whispered, cutting through the silence. "He wants to kill..."

"Yeah, I heard him." Said another, "He wants to eat us alive."

Eren turned toward the voice and scanned the faces in the crowd. In heavy thought he muttered, "Are those swords...pointed at us? Those are for killing Titans...!"

Armin and I exchanged a look.

"Cadets Ackerman, (L/n), Jeager, and Arlet! Your actions constitute treason!" Our paranoid and hyperventilating, bearded leader screamed.

(A/N): I totally forgot his name

"I'm conducting an inquiry to decide what to do with you!" He looked me directly in the eye.

"Huh?" Eren whispered.

"If you don't speak the truth or if you move, we will fire that canon on you without hesitation!" He nodded towards the ready canon just west of us. The soldiers up there were full on ready to kill us, putting me a lil' on edge.

"Huh?!" Eren looked at the canon, still confused...almost like he didn't remember what happened earlier.

"Now!" He screamed, getting our attention. "Answer directly! What exactly are you? Are you human...or are you Titan?!"

Eren's eyes widened as he glanced between us, his eyes locking on mine. "What kind of question is that? Why is everyone looking at me like i'm a monster?"

I grabbed his hand to calm him. "Calm down. Shut up. Answer his question." He seemed to find relief in my harshness, but still looked lost.

"I don't understand your question!" He yelled back. I cringed, wanting him to just answer the question.

Mr.Beard looked shocked. "You monster! I dare you to repeat that! We'll blow you to pieces! We won't give you any chance to show your true form!"

"True form?!"

"There are many witnesses! They saw you appear from inside a Titan!" Eren was taken aback, I couldn't blame him. "We allowed an unknown creature like you inside Wall Rose! You may be cadets of His Majesty's forced, but eliminating any threat quickly is the appropriate solution!"

Mikasa glared at the man and stepped in front of Eren with her blades out. "My special the slicing of flesh. If I need to, I'd be happy to demonstrate that talent." Mikasa's cold grey eyes reminded me of Levi's when he watched me fight. Ready to pounce, but will only intimidate for now. "If anyone would like to taste my special skill...step forward now." The whole army hesitated.

"Mikasa! What good would fighting other humans do? Where will we hide inside these walls?" Armin stood up and stepped forward. Eren leaned slightly on me.

"I will take on anyone who wants to kill Eren."

"Mikasa." I growl, finally speaking up. She glances back at me, sees my eyes, and hesitates.

"No one understands the situation!"

Eren furrowed his eyebrows and closed his eyed in fustration. I put my hand on his back for support and look at this mess.

"I'm going to ask you one last time!" Mr.Beard yelled. "What exactly are you?!"

We all looked at Eren, the tension in the air loaded on thick.

"I'm a human being!" Eren finally screamed desperately.

Everything was silent. Then Mr.Beard raised his arm for the canon to fire. We all panicked. Mikasa grabbed Eren and I grabbed Armins hand. We dragged the boys towards the walls.

Suddenly Eren grabbed us close, making sure it was impossible to move. His arm finally came down and Eren bit his palm, drawing blood.

Yellow lightning streaked across the the canon rang in our ears.

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