You are (Y/N) (L/N), a fifth year Gryffindor. You are a year below your crush, James Potter. Both of you are on the quidditch team, James being both the captain and a chaser while you are seeker.
*Your POV*
We were about 20 minutes into our game against Ravenclaw, and we were leading 40-30. I had finally caught sight of sunlight glinting off of the snitch. I wove in between the rest of the players, the Ravenclaw seeker on my tail. Me fingers closed around the snitch, when I heard someone yelling. As I raised the snitch into the air to show that I had caught it, I felt a bludger hit me in the back of the head, knocking me off of my broom. The darkness enveloped me as I plummeted to the ground.
I woke up in an all too familiar room. Being on the quidditch team meant that I spent a lot more time than I would like in the Hospital Wing. As I sat up, Madam Pomfrey handed me a gross looking potion. I downed it in one gulp, wanting to get it over with.
"What happened?" I asked.
"Two days ago, one of the Ravenclaw beaters got angry when she realized that you had caught the snitch and sent a bludger your way. The bludger hit you in the back of your head, knocking you off of your broom. Luckily, you hadn't hit the ground or else you would be in much worse shape." She said.
"I didn't hit the ground?" I asked.
"Mr. Potter caught you about 20 feet from the ground and rushed you here. I had to kick him out about an hour ago since he wouldn't be quiet. He's probably still sitting outside, if you would like me to fetch him." She said.
"That would be great." I said.
Madam Pomfrey left, returning moments later with James on her tail. The messy haired boy immediately tackled me in a hug. I hesitated before returning and moments later, he pulled away blushing.
"You have no idea how worried I was." James said.
I was about to reply when Madam Pomfrey spoke.
"The two of you better get going if you want to make it to dinner." She said.
James stood, helping me from the bed. I stumbled, bumping into his chest. We both just stared at each other before we started to lean in. Our lips connected for a few seconds before we were interrupted.
"No snogging in my wing." Madam Pomfrey scolded.
Both James and I pulled away, blushing.
"Sorry, Madam P." James said before leading me out of the Hospital Wing and into the corridor.
"Will you be my girlfriend?" James asked nervously.
"Of course." I replied, pecking him on the lips causing him to turn bright red.
I couldn't help but laugh before kissing him again, this one lasting much longer.