Chapter 3: Decision

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Eventually Tony got back home but luckily Bruce was still busy so this was a good time to read the letter. Tony gently opened the envelope to reveal a piece of paper clearly written by Wilson just based on the handwriting.

"Dear Tony,

If you'd reading this it means I am dead and May can't take care of Peter. I know you must be nervous and scared of taking care of a child but you need to know it's all ok me and Rachel have faith in you this the reason we asked you to do this. Now a few things you need to know about Peter he loves red and blue colored things, likes spiders, and don't worry too much about keeping him happy. The  kid giggles about pretty much everything and loves everyone.

Now the real reason I wrote this letter to you is so you know something very important and secret , not even May does or can know. It starts with Oscorp when I worked for them they had me experimenting with genetically altered insects. They  wanted me to find a way to put their seemingly super abilities into a person that they would use as a weapon.

Before I joined Stark industries I stole one of the most powerful spiders and kept it locked up in my house. But after Peter was born we were gone from the house for three days and in that time it escaped. We didn't notice because we were so excited to have Peter but then we put him down for a nap about an hour later we heard him wail at the top of his lungs. We ran to his nursery and saw a big red welt on his arm and a blue and red spider lying dead on the floor next to his crib.

Throughout the whole night we worried about our newborn son as he sweat profusely but yet shivered like a leaf. We wondered what we had done to bring this up our son, but fortunately the next morning he was back to his usual giggly and happy self. However I found his DNA to be polluted by spider DNA and I now conclude he will develop strength ten times his own, great agility and flexibility, and the tiny fibers that will give him the ability to climb walls. Unfortunately Oscorp found out about Peter's abilities and will seek to capture and weaponize him so please keep my son safe Tony I know you can.

Your Friend, Wilson Parker"

Tony collapsed on the couch he sat on unable to believe what he just read. Peter was gypped of a normal life before he could ever sit up on his own, the poor kid. And now Will was willing to leave his precious son with him, a kid he could majorly screw up. Plus how was he supposed to keep him safe and protected without keeping him locked up. How could he be the father that Peter needed and deserved.

As Tony thought on Bruce came in to make himself a mid afternoon snack and take a break from his seemingly endless work. As he did so he saw that Tony seemed very distressed at that moment.

"Hey Tony you ok you look bothered a bit? Did something happen with your friend at the hospital?" Bruce asked concerned.

"Bruce do you remember my friend that died a few months back Dr. Wilson Parker?"

"Yeah the Bio Fusionist who used to work for Oscorp why?"

"Well I just saw his sister in the hospital and now he wants to leave me with his son."

"Wait what?"

"Read this."

Tony handed Bruce the letter which he started to read immediately. Bruce's eyes grew wider and wider as he read every word, eventually leaving him as speechless as Tony was when he read it.

"Oh my gosh poor kid."

"Yeah no kidding, Bruce what am I going to do I can't raise a child especially with the a father like Howard for an example and with the life I've lived." Tony said trying to get Bruce to see his point.

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