"And that'd be you" Dean says to him.
"Why not me?" he asks Dean.
"You've been working those people outside for, what, a day? They've already spilled blood in your name. You are nothing but Bernie Madoff with wings" Dean says walking around.

Metatron scoffs, "So I'm a fake" he says as he stands up, "Do you have any idea how much Pan-Cake makeup and soft lighting it took to get God to work a rope line? He hated it. And you know, humans sense that. So they prayed harder and longer and fought more wars in his name. And for what? So they could die of malaria? Lukiemia? And all the while, blaming themselves! 'Oh, if only I'd been more prayerful God would have loved me! God would have saved me!' You know what? God didn't even know their name! But I do. Because I've walked among them. And I can save them." Metatron finishes explaining to Dean.

"Sure, you can. So long as your mug is in every Bible and 'What would Metatron do?' is on every bumper" Dean says to him.
"And? What, are you blaming me for giving them what they want, giving them a brand they can believe in?" Metatron says.

"I'm blaming you for Kevin!" Dean screams at him.  "I'm blaming you for taking Cass grace. I'm blaming you for the woman I love coming back to this destroyed Earth, when she was happy in Heaven. Hell, I'm blaming you for the Cubs not winning the World Series for the last 100 freaking years" Dean says as he unwraps the First Blade. Metatron sees the Blade in Dean's hand, "Whatever it is... I'm blaming you" Dean says.

"The First Blade" Metatron says, "Nasty piece of work, isn't she? Okay, let's say you win, Dean. And I die. What's the world left with then, hmmm? A heard of panty-waisted angels and you? Half out of your mind with Lord knows what pumping through those veins?" Metatron says to Dean.
"You see, the only thing you've said that went into my ear was that you die" Dean says stepping closer to Metatron.

"Oh, fine. We'll fight." Metatron sighs, "I don't know what you expect is gonna come of all this. Unless that's why you're stalling.  Because you know nothing's gonna come of this unless your pals succeed upstairs. Well, here's a news flash. Humpty and Dumpty are starring in their very own version of Locked Up Abroad: Heaven right now." Metatron tells Dean.

Dean looks away taking in what Metatron told him, and as he turns to make it seem like he was going to leave, he turns back punching at Metatron who blocks the punch before Dean swings his other fist hitting Metatron in the face.
Metatron stumbles back from the hit, "Wow, that big blade and that douchy tribal tat sure gave you some super juice." He says. "Whoo!" he then laughs. "Okay" Metatron says motioning for Dean to come at him. Dean's hand holding the Blade trembles before Dean rushes at Metatron who uses his powers to send Dean flying into the hard brick wall. Dean gets back up and looks at Metatron going toward him again, and the angel sends him flying back once again.

Dean falls down to the ground and Metatron walks up to him, kicking the Blade out of Dean's hand then kicking Dean in the face before stepping on Dean's wrist. Dean groans out in pain, "So, you took Abaddon's scalp, then you figured you'd take on little, old, nebbishy me? What could go wrong? And you're powered by the bone of a jackass, and it is just awesome, right?" Metatron says bending down closer to Dean, "Here's a tip. Next time, try to be powered by the word of God" he says kicking Dean across the face once more.

Sam groans as he slowly comes back too, and sits up seeing Calliope handcuffed to the Impala. "What did he do?" Sam asks her.
"Knocked you out then I ... I tried to fight him Sam, and he did this" she says crying. Sam gets up and comes over to her and he unlocks the cuffs from her wrist.

"I know, I know you tried, come on, let's go save him" Sam says to her as they both grab weapons and take off toward the homeless encampment. 
They enter and the people in the camp start to come closer to them, as inside Metatron continues to beat on Dean.

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