5-back home

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"Okay I have fixed the timeturner all I need to do is a quick spell to make it take you home correctly" Dumbledore said calmly.
Everyone hugged goodbye and then the headmaster Turned to lily, James, Remus and Sirius.
"I need to  oblivate you 4 along with everyone else including me" the headmaster said. Then addressing the 5 children
"Okay close together now"he said as he wrapped the time turner around them.
Then the 5 of them felt the pulling sensation the same to a port key and then they landed back in hogwarts.

2021- hogwarts
They all landed back in the gryffindor common room.
"Thank merlin that's over" callum said as he got up from the floor.
Then they all heard the loud boots of an auror.

"There you 5 are I could of sworn I checked the common room" auror Casey said as he walked towards the 5.
The time turner was gone but they were home.
Auror Casey sent a patronus to everyone else.

"I have found the 5 children In the gryffindor common room I'm taking them to the headmistresses office" Harry, Ron, Hermione, Draco, Luna and Neville all sighed in relief as they apparated  to the wards of hogwarts.

Now that everyone was back in hogwarts in the right timelines all eyes were on the children.
"I think you need to explain" no one said anything.
"Scorpius, I was told you knew what it was so you can explain" Draco said angrily 
"Courtney found a timeturner and I told them not to drop it but as we were all looking at it callum dropped it and it broke everywhere sending us back to 1979" he said quietly.
"I think detention should be in order seeming as you were out of bed after curfew" the headmistress said firmly.
"Yes headmistress"they all said at the same time.

//My first book for my English class
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I write whatever story comes to mind.
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