The Sisters of Cinnamon Cove

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Dearest woman who sent the letter.
The sisters of Cinnamon Cove would be pleased to offer their assistance to you.

Love, Thunder and Moonflower.

Glory read and re-read the letter that came three days later again and again and again, however no matter how many times she cast her eyes to the ink scribed on the paper, she could not find that it held anything whatsoever that might tell her more about the people who she had apparently hired.

"Off you go." Glory shooed the Delver bird away, and turned away from the window with a sigh.

"What do you think, Thunder?"

"I think I didn't know he was into blonds."

Glory whirled around.

Standing, half hidden by the shadow of the curtains were two women.

Both were tall and elegant with black hair. One had strips of color amidst the mass of black, and wore a full body suit of dark, feminine armor.

The other's black hair fell in an unbroken mass of waves past her shoulders.

"Who are you?" Glory hissed.

"Your loyal servants," The colored one grinned.

"Her name is Thunder." The other one rolled her eyes. "And mine is Moonflower."

"How did you arrive so promptly?" Glory eyed them with suspicion, hands reaching slowly for the nearest weapon, a book which sat forlornly upon her bed.

"We followed Betty." Thunder shrugged. "It wasn't that difficult."


"The Delver." Moonflower explained.

"It's a her?" Glory asked. Not that it mattered of course. "How could you tell?" All birds looked the same to her. They were either boring, or helpmyeyeballsaremelting interesting.

"No. It's a he, and his name is Betty."


"Ignore her." Moonflower's eyes were anxious as she stole Glory's attention back to herself. "Is it true that Deathbringer is imprisioned here?"

"Yes." Glory answered. "It's too long and complicated a story to explain here, so I won't. Did you understood what I needed help with?"

"You want us to find a prisoner. Blondish, blue eyes, but they might be closed if she's asleep, burn mark and a scar." Thunder unsheathed a dagger from her belt and began to pick her teeth with it.

"Anything else to add?"

"Um," Glory blinked at her, "don't get caught?"

Thunder rolled her eyes. "Pretty sure that's obvious."

"What do you want us to do with her if we find her?" Moonflower snatched Thunder's blade and gave her a warning glare.

"If she's awake, ask if her name is Velvet. Then tell me the way to find her."

"Sounds simple enough." Thunder looked towards Moonflower and the latter gave a nod of confirmation.

"When we've finished we'll meet you here, in your room."

"Are you certain you're up to the task?" Glory asked, thrown off. "You don't need like, disguises or anything?

"Totally and nope. Ready Flower?"

"Don't call me that." Moonflower hissed. "And yes, I'm ready."

"See you then." Thunder gave Glory a mock salute with another blade, this time apparently pulled out of her breast plate, and the two women glided silently towards the window.

"Um, the dungeons are down." Glory cleared her throat. "Not up. Thought you might like to know."

"Dungeons are for ordinary prisoners." Moonflower stopped speak, letting her sister pass her, then she too disappeared out of the window in a flutter of black and silk, like a dark bird of war.

In a stronghold full of vibrant and gaudy colors, the two would stick out like broken thumbs.

"Oh well." Glory sat down weakly on her bed, feeling suddenly exhausted. "We'll see what happens."

She didn't remember falling asleep, but then, no one ever does.

When she was woken by something tickling her face, at first she merely brushed it aside and curled up tighter around herself.

"Awww, looki, she's sleeping. Wakey-wakey blondie."



"Stop it."


"You will."

"Won't. You can't make me, so ha, ha, ha."

"You brat."

"That all you can come up with?"

"Does arrogant, pig-faced, bearded, wart-covered, skunk scented, waddling pile of rotten, goose liver pâté, sound better to you?"

Glory sat up.

Thunder was laying casually beside her on the bed, propped up by one elbow, and Moonflower was perched on the windowsill, where moonlight was spilling in as a milky haze.

"You are one hell of a deep sleeper." Thunder told Glory casually, yawning and began pulling the blanket over her own body.

Glory yanked it back and glared at her.

"You're mean." Thunder informed her dryly. "We just completed a highly dangerous mission and we're tired."

"You saw her?" Glory looked towards Moonflower eagerly, who slid away from the widow and settled herself at the foot of the bed instead.

"Yes. We found her."

"And is she-"

"We can't say for certain. The description matched, but-"

"But what? She isn't dead?"

"No." Moonflower traced her finger along the wood of the bed frame. "She's not dead, but she's not all that alive either. It's like," she chewed her lip, "some sort of enchanted sleep. She's kept in this kind of, glass grave. I don't know really."

"Take me to her." Glory insisted, her heart pulsing fast and wild. "Can you take me to her?"

Sorry for all the mistakes. Unedited.

Please remember to vote and comment :) We're drawing near the conclusion, yay!  

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