Day 17: Drastic Measures

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Barbra P.O.V.

I woke up with a splitting head ache and knew the source of it. I haven't been getting a lot of sleep lately thanks to my devided attention. During the day I spent my time reading painting or with Bruce. Sometimes goofing around with Damien or maybe shopping.

My nights were more difficult to balance out. Either I was with Bruce or hunting down any lead to find my father or fighting crimes. But Bruce sure knew how to keep me occupied.

Not complaining though.

I smiled to myself but gri.aced as soon as I felt the pain once more. Dragging myself out of bed, I groaned when the annoying buzzing of my phone worsened the growing ache.

One glance at my phone and I knew I was going to regret answering it.

"BABS!!" I held the phone at arms length as the greeting of my friends fired out.

"Hey guys," I said sleepily and they had switched to face time.

I found myself facing my friends once more. Jess, Zee and Cara. I perched my phone pillow and stiffled a yawn.

"Babs, have you been neglecting your sleep?" asked Jess, concerned about my health as usual.

"More like sleep has been neglecting me."

Cara pushed forward,"Yeah, yeah, we don't have time for small talk. Look, Diana is in the JL that's why she isn't the one telling you this. To busy, you see"

Zee then continued,"And Batman is onto Batgirl!"

"Yeah," Jess chimed in,"he is frustrated that he can't figure out who you are. He wants us to bring you to Mount Justice!"

That woke me up from my drowsyness. Why did Batman want to see me? Was he going to enterogate me?

What are you upto Bats?

I found myself saying despite my worries,"Okay. I'll come. But he shouldn't get his hopes up." I smirked and before they could respond, there was a load clammer on their side of the phone.

"Who are you talking to there?" It was a young male vioce.

"Like we're going to tell you, KF," retorted Zee before saying,"meet me at Gotham Accademy." I nodded and the line was cut.

I packed my bag, dressed in civilian clothes and after breackfast I told Alfred that I would be taking a walk through town.

Bruce P.O.V.

Zatana had brought Batgirl to Mount Justice like I had requested. She wore her famouse black padded suit with her canary yellow gogo boots. I was hoping she would have persuaded the masked stranger to reveal her identity. But no.

I didn't expect anything less.

Here I was known as Batman. Here I asked the questions and they were always answered. Batgirl had swaggerd from the zeta tube and smirkedwhen she caught sight of me. I kept my stoick expression knowing she was still relatively young and arrogant.

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