🤔Poetry Entries & Judges✍️

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Poetry Entries & Judges

Welcome, poetry participants and judges. If your username appears here as a participant; please, follow your judges because they would be investing so much time in your books.
As well as judges; please make sure you're followed. If not message the participants and tell them to. Keep them informed, please. Furthermore, don't hesitate to remove 5 marks if they don't comply/follow you after 5 days. I wouldn't want anyone to hold us back. Judges, please adhere to the judging criteria and make sure you submit the results on time. If you need extension, let me me know.

Judge 1: MiniMoxx

Kalopsia by  TheTaintedGirl
The Diary Of My Heart by Queen_bee_Mariam
Shades of Love by Sweety197
Diary of the Girl In History by @LentelnApril
Garnished With Love by _miss_idealist_
Black Dwan by bored_mama
Lacher Prise by happysnowfeet
Rêveuse by divinedices
Down The Rabbit Hole by Gemm_Stone

Date for submission: 3rd April, 2021.

To Poetry Participants;
If any book is missed, or we overlooked something. Please, notify. Let us know. We're humans after all. Nobody is above mistakes and I wouldn't want the fault to be from me.

Please note; it's 2 judges per genre and 15 participant for each judge. So, we have the grace of getting 6 winners per genre.

Goodluck, everybody.

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