Part 16

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During my lunch I texted Jen and told her to get the papers for the place together. That afternoon I put in my notice at work. I was leaving!
As I stepped out of the office in the late afternoon I felt free. It was the weekend and I only had two weeks left at work. And at the end of those two weeks? Adventure awaited!
Getting on the bus I felt my phone buzz. [1 New Text - Ast]. Hadn't had a text from him in a few weeks. After the drama with his girlfriend I hadn't really expected to hear from him again. At first I was really gutted. There was something about that boy that really drew me in. I guess I fell for him a bit, but it wasn't meant to be what with his crazy girlfriend. I was trying to move on from that whole debacle. London would definitely be the change I needed... Wouldn't need to ride the train anymore. Probably wouldn't see Aston again. Simple.
My heart fluttered a bit as I stared at the screen on my phone. My hand shaking I clicked open the text. [Hey Jess gimme a call when you get this yeah? Would like to chat ;-p Ast x.]
Chat about what? It was like all of a sudden any interest in forgetting about that boy had been thrown out the window. I just wanted the bus to stop so I could get off and give him a call.
As soon as we pulled up at my stop I hopped off the train and pulled my phone out, ringing Aston.
"Hello?" asked a voice on the other end just moments after I pressed call.
"Yup speaking. Who's this?"
"Umm Jess?"
"Jess. You texted me earlier?"
"I haven't the faintest idea what you're talking about," he said. I was confused and frustrated.
"From the train? Listen nevermind... I'll just..."
Then he laughed. "Jess I'm just messing," he said playfully.
"You're lucky I'm miles away or I'd whack you one..."
"Indeed. You alright?" 
"Yup great! You?"
"Better now I'm chatting to you... You gigging this weekend?"
"Nah, weekend off... At the parents just chilling... You on the train?"
"Nope. Weekend off as well. Two of the guys have family things out of town... Just laying low."
"Listen. You busy tonight?"
"Sorry?" I choked out,
"Do you have plans tonight? We could hang out. Maybe watch a film or get a drink or something?"
"Um what about your girlfriend? She didn't really seem to appreciate us hanging out..."
"Don't worry about her."
"Ast that's not fair..."
"Jess no. Not like that... she uh, she's... We aren't together anymore."
"Yeah... Anyways, what do you say? I could drive down and get you at yours and we could go find something to do. Just hang out?"
"What do you mean?"
"Why do you want to hang out with me? Why not your friends from up there or something?"
"Honestly? I just feel like I've connected with you these past few months. I really need to talk to someone about everything and I think that's you... Please Jess?" he said. A twinge of desperation on his voice.
"Ok," I said after a moment. "Drive down and we'll get a bite to eat and then play it from there."
"Thanks Jess!"
As I let myself into house I gave Aston directions to where I lived and then hung up. 
"Mum, I'm home!"
"Hi darling. You having dinner here tonight?"
"Actually no."
"Having dinner with a friend in a bit."
"A friend huh? A boy? Is it a date?"
"No. Just a friend."
"A boy though?"
"What's his name at least?"
"Haven't heard that name before. How do you know him?"
"Met him on the train to London... I'm done with this inquisition mum," I said heading up the stairs.

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