Saving him

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//TW: Dark themes and blood//

Seven wandered into a large room filled with coal. Little nomes scurried around Seven laughed as he saw a bunch trying to get their friend out from a cart that had a crack in it.

When they saw Seven they ran away. Seven tugged at the nome's little legs and he came loose. Seven hugged the little thing gently in his arms.


Seven gasped quietly. "What was that?"

Seven stood up after softly setting the nome down. He slowly made his way over to where the loud noise was made. He notice two fuses one was dead and the other glowed brightly.


Seven flinched. This one was much louder.

Seven looked over to a door that was partially opened and crawled under it.

Seven moved slowly but swiftly through the darkened room. He could barely see anything in front of him until he ran into something.

Seven fell backwards onto the ground with a small grunt. He was about to grab his flashlight when he was grabbed. Seven let out a scream and flailed in the hand of his captor. "I've caught you now you little rat!"

"No please! Let me go!" Seven cried realizing his captor was the janitor.

"You aren't-" He started to say when a sudden loud noise was made.

"Hey!" The voice shouted.

The janitor placed a hand over his ear. "You loud little child! Get back here!"

Seven screamed again as he was moved around. "Help! Please!"

The janitor stopped to listen. When no sound was made the janitor waved Seven around in the air. Seven screamed once more as a few tears began to fall.

"Let him go." The voice said low and dangerous.

"Or what small child..? You'll hurt me..?" The janitor mocked.

The boy growled. "Put him down!"

The janitor backed away trying to move away from the noise, but this one was much louder as it reverberated off of the walls.

The janitor let out a screech and he let go of Seven. Seven fell to the ground and was winded for a moment before he stood and ran towards his savior.

Suddenly, light filled the room. The ceiling of the room had split open causing light to pour in and an ear piercing noise to sound.

Seven covered his ears as both the screeching of metal and the screeching of the janitor became to much.

Once the noise stopped, Seven looked over to the figure. Seven gasped as he saw Mono standing there completely fine and alive.

"Mono?" Seven called.

Mono looked over to Seven and gave a smile before promptly collapsing.

Seven ran over to Mono and held in tightly in his arms, afraid that if he let go he would be taken from him again. "You always did like to find me..."

Seven laughed slightly. "Where were you all these weeks. I missed you."

Mono felt something in his chest. "I thought I would cause more trouble for you so I stayed away."

Seven hugged Mono. "Trouble or not I want to be around you!"

Mono smiled and melted into Seven's embrace. Mono suddenly gasped and pushed Seven away.

Seven fell a far distance away and wondered why Mono would push him away when he saw the janitor grab Mono.

"Mono!" Seven cried.

The janitor laughed. "I'll come back for you."

Mono struggled against the janitor's grasp. "Seven run away from here! Please! Don't let him take you!"

Mono's voice faded in the distance and eventually disappeared.

Seven stood up and ran towards where he last heard Mono's voice. He ran to the furnace where his five little nome friends stood. "Did you see them come around here?! Or just hear them in general?!"

The little nomes pointed to the ladder farthest away from them. "Thank you!"

Seven hastily climbed the ladders then ran up the stairs. He jumped down into the giant hole in the floor.

Knowing that they needed an escape, Seven placed a large chunk of wood in between the floor and vent door.

Seven crawled through just slightly when he heard a sickening thud. Seven poked his head out and spotted Mono on the ground trying to get up.

Mono's bag was torn to shreds a few feet away from him and Mono himself was in worse shape.

He was covered in cuts, bleeding gashes, and spots that would most definitely have blossoming bruises. 'Mono... what's he doing to you..?'

Mono failed to get up and the janitor sent him flying into the wall and landing beside Seven with a loud thud. Mono coughed weakly laying limply on the ground.

Seven moved quickly over to Mono without making much noise. Seven placed his arms under Mono's arms and his head lolled to the side signifying Mono had passed out.

Seven started to drag Mono towards the hole in the floor when the janitor started to feel around for Mono.

Seven started to pull faster when the ground slipped out from under him. Mono fell on top of him and Seven let out a squeak.

"Where are you little child..?"

Seven started dragging Mono to the vent door and they dropped into the larger hole.

Seven let himself breathe. "Mono... Mono, can you wake up?"

Mono stirred and groaned softly. "Seven..?"

"Hey, are you alright?" Seven asked happily.

"Better now..." Mono whispered painfully.

Seven laughed slightly and began rummaging through Mono's pockets again... well this was familiar. He found strips of cloth that would work for bandages and began to wrap them around Mono's injuries.

Seven began to hum a song that didn't sound like it had a name. "What's that song..?" Mono asked.

"Just filling the silence." Seven answered.

Mono nodded slightly and rested his head on Seven's lap. Seven smiled and stopped what he was doing to brush his hand through Mono's hair.

"Please stay with me." Seven whispered.

Mono smiled softly. "I'll never leave you again.

Seven hummed at his response and continued to patch Mono up.


Ta da~

I have another chapter for you!!!

Thank you guys so much for reading this and giving me positive feedback. It really helps me continue the story!

Thanks for reading! See you soon! Bye!!!

Word count - 1,040

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