Kindergarten Best Friends

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It's late and cold and I don't know when I'm going to sleep but it certainly isn't anytime soon. Also slight hints of McNamara/Duke, already. Sorry not sorry -Anne Boleyn (please get my reference!) TW//Minor bullying

Heather was excited. Her first day of kindergarten! This was going to be fun! She skipped into the room in her white lacy dress. Her mom had let her pick it, and whenever she spun, it fluffed out around her! It was amazing.

She sat down with all the other kids, in between two other girls as role call was being held.

"Chandler, Heather!


"Dunnstock, Martha!"


"Duke, Heather!"

"Ugh... here."

"McNamara, Heather!"


"Sawyer, Veronica!"


They did coloring and arts and crafts all day until recess. Heather was still confused as to why two other girls stole her name. A blonde girl grabbed my arm and dragged me over to a pretty, dark haired girl who was already reading.

"You're Heather, I'm Heather, and You're Heather," the blonde one announced, her voice full of confidence Heather had only heard from adults. Her and Heather looked at her with admiration. She tossed her hair, enjoying their awestruck looks. "We should be friends."

"Okay!" Heather agreed. They turned to look at Heather, who was looking between the two of them from her book.

"Sure," she said, hopping up and tucking the book into her bag. "What's your favorite color?" she asked seriously. It was a big deal in kindergarten; the wrong color would break all your friendships. 

"Red." It was clear, with her red skirt and red shirt and serious red lips, even though she was 5. She gave off the aura of a serious little girl, who knew things she shouldn't.

"Yellow," Heather said confidently. Yellow was the best, as far as she was concerned, but her best friends could have different favorite colors. Of course, she and she alone would know that she had chosen the best color.

"Cool," Heather said with a smile. "Mine's green." She gestured to her black and white outfit, which was a adored with dark green jewels that looked too expensive for someone of her age.

"We can each have our own colors," Heather decided. Heather tried to say something, but she snapped, "Shut up, Heather!' She flinched back. "Now! Let's go to lunch!" The two of them followed Heather obediently.

Heather had brought lunch with her, while her and Heather had to buy lunch. Heather whined the whole time. "My mom is going to make me lunch tomorrow," she decided. "And she'll make one for you and Heather."

When we got back, a little girl from a different class with red hair and big freckles was laughing at Heather. Her hair was wet and there was an empty juice box next to her.

"Oh look, little wittle Heather!" she laughed. Oh, Heather knew her. Carrie Caraway. She was the kind of girl to make stupid mistakes twice. Maybe this is one of those mistakes, Heather though as Heather jumped up like a lion.

"Don't be mean to my friend," she said dangerously. It wouldn't have looked that bad to a teacher, but to the little kids, it might as well have been a death threat. Carrie scurried away.

"We're going to be good friends," a bright Heather McNamara said. She didn't know that Carrie would continue to torment Heather Duke for years, as well as Heather Chandler. She didn't know what would happen to her and all her friends. She didn't know that a little boy a couple states over and the two girls laughing about movies would ruin her life. So she continued to smile.

(567 words)

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