Chapter 42: Hideous, Outrageous, Scratch-My-Eyes-Out Ugly?

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Lia's POV:-

This time instead of Luke, I am sitting with Ian. We both were talking about the final match. I won't go over the details, but yeah, the boys won. Ian was explaining how he was almost given a red card. Even though we won Coach was in a horrible temper, because of all the tricks they were doing. He had been calling every known authority and giving them a earful, at how poorly Blue Valley's conduct the games.

Best part was, we were finally going to the beach. All permissions and money stuff had been sorted out by Max. After match everyone packed quickly, and we were all set to move by three in the afternoon. There was a party tonight, so all the celebrations will be done then. The next day everyone could relax in the sun, and we'll set back for our homes the following morning.

While putting our luggage in the bus, the chain of Luke's bag slipped open, and a book came tumbling out.

"Who the fuck brings a novel to a match?" Max had asked picking it up, to which Luke had replied "To keep the boredom away."

Now Dylan was sitting in the corner sulking and mumbling, "Luke said I am boring,"  because they had been sharing a room.

At first everybody tried to cheer him up, but then we lost interest. Now only Luke was left, still trying explain how he's in the habit of reading himself to sleep.

"So.." Ian smiles shifting closer to me. "I was thinking, you and I.. We vibe really nicely. And we find each other attractive, right?" He brushes his knuckles against my cheek. I look at him in confusion, gradually starting to freeze in alarm.

"Maybe we could.. Give it a go. Maybe just one night." 

"Ian, I-"

"You stinky bastard!" Max pulls Ian up from his seat, by the collar. "You're making a dirty move on my sister?! I thought you were my best friend. I trusted you, you bloody motherfucker!" Max roars and punches Ian square on his face.

"Max! He was just kidding" I cry out, pushing past him to help Ian. Ian refuses my help. He stands up hatefully glowering at Max.

"I was just kidding Max" he spat out. Max narrows his eyes at him suspiciously.

"You-" he snaps at me, "-sit only beside Julian." I nod obediently, hoping he would just calm down. I sneak a glance at Luke. Safe to say, he too looked panic-stricken.

Bet, now my idea of not telling Max sounds good..

"You guys need to hear this!" Alex rushes into the bus from outside. "What happened here?" he pauses on sensing the tense atmosphere.

"Nothing" Ian answers sitting back in his seat. "What were you saying?"

"Oh right! The basketball team came third. I just overheard Coach-"

"Young man-" Dylan interrupted. "-what have I taught you about eavesdropping?"

"Bite me" Alex snaps irritated. Dylan laughs and backs off. I think Luke managed to reconcile, because Dylan was lovingly clinging to his arm.

"Like I was saying, Tim and his team came in third" Alex was practically bursting from excitement. "And, that Blue Valley's Coach is Tim's, maternal uncle!"

We all gasp in surprise. No wonder, he was so mean to us.

"Good thing we all won" Julian mumbles from beside me. I look out the window, my mind preoccupied with other things.


"Lia, can I talk to you?"

I turn my head towards Max who was now sitting in Julian's seat. I nod feeling like, I won't like what he tells me.

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