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"Haechannie oppa! Come play dollies with me!"

"One sec, Jihyun-ah. I have to feed Taeyoung."

"How long is that going to take, bubby? I want to play!"

"Alright, alright. I'll be right out."

His mom hadn't come home that night, so he had to stay home and take care of his siblings. His brother just slept and ate all day, but his sister was always bored, so he had to deal with her. He just put the baby back in the crib and plastered a fake smile on his face before going to his sisters room. 

She wanted to play dress up, so that forced Haechan to wear whatever she wanted. At first it was normal things like a cool jacket or funky socks, but then she started making him try on her tutus and skirts. Haechan had never wished for a bigger waist more than he had in this moment. He really wished that he could say no to her and just go to school to hang out with his friends, but he loved her way too much. 

He had just put on her pink skirt and princess crown when there was a knock on the door. He tried to take the skirt off as fast as he could, but the zipper had jammed. Was it too late to take the big waist wishes back? 

He couldn't send his sister to get the door because what kind of brother would send his seven year old sister to answer the door, when it could possibly be a kidnapper or murderer? So he was kind of forced to go, since not only was he worried for his sister, but the knocking had also gotten a lot louder. 

When he opened the door, he felt a mix of emotions, like anger and relief. He was relieved because it was just Mark and at least he wouldn't embarrass himself too bad, but he was also angry at Mark. He didn't have any time to process everything, so he was still really angry. 


"I wanted to talk, but you uh, you look like you're busy."

"Hyuckie oppa, who is it? Oh him , Markie oppa!"

"Hey Jihyun-ah. What were you up to?"

"Me and Hyuckie oppa are playing dress up! Can you play too? 

"I actually wanted to talk to Hyuckie oppa for a little, is that okay?"

"Of course Markie, but only if you play with us later!" 

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