Too Much Info

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The next hour flies by as Splinter teaches you how to properly put on and take off the claws in two smooth motions. He then shows you how to extend and retract the sharp tips mid swipe. Splinter drills you in these skills until you can do them all fluidly.

"Now I will show you a basic swipe" Splinter says "But as you train on your own, I would like you to mainly focus on making the retrieval and depositing of your weapon on your belt as smooth as possible."

"Why do I need to take them on and off?" You ask, "Won't I just be keeping them on at all times when I go out?"

"Not at the beginning" Splinter says "Having them on will make throwing your ninja stars and other weapons a challenge. You will get there, but it is going to take time."

"I'm going to be trained in other weapons?" You ask

"Yes" Splinter nods "You will be trained in the basics of your teammates weapons as well. But do not worry about it yet, that part of your training is still a ways off."

"Is there anything else I'm going to be learning?" You ask "Weapon wise that is."

"I wish to train you and April with a Wakizashi, or Japanese short sword" Splinter says "But that is enough information for now. We will work on one thing at a time."

"Splinter starts you off in that basic stances and one swipe move. Drills go on for about half an hour before he end your session for the day.

"We have talked about and done much today." Splinter says "Practice what we have done today and do not worry about what is to come. It will be here soon enough."

"Thank you Master Splinter." You say "One thing, how long until I am ready to join the guys on patrol?"

"Patience Y/N" Splinter chuckles "You will join them soon."

"What does soon mean?" You ask

"As soon as I deem you ready to" Splinter says "Now go have some water and rest.

You bow respectfully and exit the dojo. Your head is swimming with all the new information. You had been given a lot to think about and practice. Though, you now understand why and how the guys had been training since they could walk. There was so much to learn.

You look down at the box on your hands, your heats picking up speed at the thought of being able to join the guys on patrol. You couldn't wait to get out there and take out a few of the Foot with your new best friend.

Walking into the kitchen, you place the box on the table and grab a glass of water.

"Hey Y/N" Leo says "How'd training go?"

"Great!" You smile "It was a bit overwhelming, but great."

"What was overwhelming about it?" Leo asks

"I got my weapon!" You squeal

"Really?" Leo grins "What did you end up with?"

"Neko-te" You say, opening the case "Or as I will be calling them, cat claws."

"Very nice" Leo says "Very close range weapon too."

"Yep" You say "Master Splinter said I'd also be trained with throwing stars and knives. I'm going to guess that I'll be trained in all the weapons and gadgets that you all have learned."

"Sounds about right" Leo says "Is the a longer range weapon that you're going to be training with?"

"A short sword eventually. I think" you say

"Ahh, a wakizashi" Leo nods

"Yep" You sigh

"Is there more?" Leo asks

"Master Splinter also told me that he's going to train me in all of your weapons too." You explain "So in the span of a few hours, I've gotten my weapon, learned how to put it on and take it off, the basic stances, one swipe move and that I'm going to be training in at least six other weapons. And that doesn't even cover the ones that you all know, like the throwing stars"

"Oh dear" Leo chuckles "That does sound like a lot."

"What's so funny?" You ask

"Master Splinter is testing you" Leo says

"Wha?!" You say, starting to internally freak out "No one said anything about a test."

"Calm down Y/N" Leo says "Splinter is just trying to see how much information you can handle taking in at once. A ninja has to be able to take in a lot of information, process it and take the correct action in a short amount of time. He probably just wants to see how you cope with knowing so much."

"He did tell me that I should focus on what we practiced and not on what was to come." You say

"Yeah" Leo says "He's told me that one too. I have an idea if you'd like."

"I'd love to hear it" You say "My head feels like it's going to explode trying to figure out how everything is going to work."

"Meditation" Leo says

"I'm still not good at that" You sigh "Any other ideas?"

"You have something to properly focus on now" Leo says "And I've noticed that you're not really one for sitting still for long periods of time."

"Isn't that what meditation mainly is?" You ask "Sitting around trying to keep your head clear?"

"This one is going to be a bit different" Leo says "I'm happy to show you if you're willing to try."

"I guess so." You say 

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