The Truth

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The next day in realm two everyone woke up and Beck went to the building where Toomes 2 and Barrett 2 worked

Steven-"Okay tell us what you find out".

Beck-"Will do".

Beck leaves and the others just go about their day

P2-"Hey Case you alright?"

Casey-"Yeah it's just I'm missing you guys in the other realm".

P2-"Hey I feel the same why, I'm missing my Casey as well".

Casey-"I just can't believe this is all happening, I thought it was over when we got Barrett and Toomes again". (sighs)

P2-"Hey what you guys are doing is a little risky, but you need to find out the truth".

Casey-"You know, you may not be actually him, but just talking to you makes me calm just like the other Peter".

P2-(smiles) "It feels good just to talk to you even though you aren't the same Casey".

Casey-"Same here Pete". (smiles)

P2-"Would it be weird if I hugged you?"

Casey-(laughs) "Not at all".

They hug and talk some more, while back in the other realm Strange is talking to Fury

Fury-"Anything yet?"

Steven-"No Beck just got to the buildling, I will let you know as soon as he tells me".

Maria-"Very well, stay safe". (hangs up)

Upstairs with the others

Trey-"Colton you okay?"

C2-"Yeah you seem stressed".

Colton-"I'm fine I'm just worried".

Peter-"She will be okay". (hugs him)

Luke-"But man you look really stressed about something".

Jake-"I swear if you".

Colton-"No I didn't cheat on Casey, I had a vision alright".

Zoe-"What about?"

Colton-"I don't wanna say yet, we need the actual Casey back so I can talk to her about it first".

Peter-"Whatever it is you must tell us when she finds out okay".

Colton-"Don't worry I will".

Trey-(telepathic) "Bro is it from the other night when you two ya know?"

Colton-(telepathic) "Yes, but I need her to know first before anyone else okay so don't say anything".

Trey-"You got it bro".

Realm 2 at the building

T2-"So that favor?"

B2-"What about it?"

T2-"I was wondering if you could kill Parker".

B2-"Which one?"

T2-"The girl".

B2-"Why though, you're gonna go after Peter".

T2-"Oh I know, but you were the one who put that bomb together and that's how Casey got her powers I don't need two of them around".

B2-"Are you crazy I won't do it".

T2-"Why not?'

B2-"I've already done enough to that family, also the fact that my sons are on that team of theirs and I think one of them is dating her, but I'm not sure".

Until The EndWhere stories live. Discover now