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With the video and letter that Meredith provided there was enough evidence to make an arrest. And given the hospital ID hanging around his neck they were able to tie her death to him. Mark and Lexie and I were there to watch the whole thing, and us being doctors we told them that we should be there in case anyone was injured. He was evil, reeking of it, unfortunately the downside to evil is that they can usually see right through you. They feed off of your innermost feelings, sometimes those that you aren't even aware of yourself.

I stared him down as they brought him out of the shack in handcuffs, two officers walking him to the squad car. His eyes met mine and they lit up as if he'd seen something in me. Not anything that could get him out of what was coming to him. But enough to brighten his day, enough to get under my skin.

"She was your girl." He said with a snicker to his voice "She was yours wasn't she?"
I said nothing, only stared.

"It was fun." He said in a low voice that would give anyone goose bumps "it was fun making her scream. Watching her bleed. And oh how I loved to watch her writhe in pain under my hand.."

For some reason I couldn't hold it together. And he knew that. In two strides I was flying towards him, and Mark was scrambling to catch me as I swung my fists in his direction. Unfortunately for me, but fortunately for him. Mark was bigger and faster than I was, I hated that fact, especially now.

"You son of a bitch!" I screamed and spat "You sick bastard!"

"Derek!" Mark growled as he strained to contain me.

The bastard threw his head back in laughter, as if he'd gotten just what he wanted. Just one more rise out of someone.

"Where is she!" I demanded "There's no reason to hide her now, just tell us where she is!"

"Where she belongs." He laughed "Where she deserved to be that little bitch."

I growled as I took in a calming breath. Or as calming as I could. Mark relaxed his hold on me and I straightened up. I saw something dangling around his neck and narrowed my eyes on it, then reached up and pinched the plastic card between my fingers and yanked it off of his neck. His eyes became wide with rage as he was the one struggling towards me now.

"No!" he screamed as he tossed about "No that's mine! THAT'S MINE!"

"No, it's not." I said with a smirk "It never was. She was a beautiful person and you took her out of the world. But she was never yours, and for that I hope you fry."

He was still screaming as they shoved him into the back of the car and hauled him off. I handed the piece of evidence to a waiting detective who had a glare on his face for me touching the evidence but a smirk in his eyes, I'm sure he was wanting to see the man in pain just as much as I was. I turned to Mark and saw so many questions in Lexie's eyes. I could tell that all she wanted at this point was to find out where her sister was. My eyes went immediately back to the shed behind the shack and my feet carried me there. Mark and Lexie followed with curiosity.

It was padlocked close and I felt my stomach twist as I twisted the lock, it wasn't latched, just on there to keep whatever was inside the shed in. I gulped, this could be the moment. The moment where I see Meredith Grey in an unbeautiful way for the first time. This could ruin everything for me, but it could be everything I need to finally put my feelings for her to rest. I pulled the lock off and opened the door, I heard seven terrified gasps as the light from the morning filled the small building and looked around to see that none of the faces staring back at me were hers.

"Hello." I said softly "my name is Dr. Shepherd. The man who was holding you all captive is now in jail, but I need your help."

They all stared at me in fear, some let their eyes wander past me to Lexie and Mark and almost looked to wonder if what I said could really be true. But they were all silent, which wasn't helping any.

"Our friend was here, and the man who was hurting you hurt her too. She was a doctor like me, and we need to find her. Do any of you know where she is?"

A couple of the stronger looking ones looked at each other, as if questioning silently if they should say something or not.

"Please." I begged and was surprised to hear my voice break "Please help us find her, help us put her to rest."

"She's not here." One said.

"Shhh!" the one on the floor hissed "We must not speak! Let us wait for master."

"Your master isn't coming!" I snapped and sighed "He's going to jail for a very, very long time. And with any luck he'll be executed!"

They all gasped and shrieked as if the thought of that was atrocious and horrifying to them. As if they didn't want this man that tortured them on a daily basis to have any harm brought down upon them, this made my anger level rise and my fists ball.

"Please." I heard in a soft voice beside me a looked to see Lexie "She was my sister. And she needs to be found. You are women just like her, you have sisters I'm sure. Wouldn't you want someone to help you find one of your sisters if she was gone? Please, I'm asking you as a woman, as a sister. Help us find her."

They looked softer, and it helped me control my emotions. They were now looking back and forth between me and Lexie. All trying to decide if they should betray this man keeping them, and even some of each other.

"She helped you." I spoke calmly this time, a few eyes snapped up at me "She came here and she helped you. She put herself in danger to help you after he hurt you."

"He loves us." A strong one in the back spoke.

"And she did too." I replied "She wanted you to get better, and she wanted you to be free. Please, return the favor."

They were silent again, as the seconds ticked by. But I was a patient man, I could be patient if I wanted to. The one crouched on the dirt floor slowly stood up on weak legs, her skin was hanging off of her bones and her face was covered in filth.

"We don't know."

Great. I sighed and pressed my lips together to keep from exposing the frustration and anger I was feeling inside.

"We don't know." She repeated "She was here for a long time. But he would never let her leave. He would hit her so she couldn't move. But then one night he hit her so hard she wouldn't breathe, he knew he killed her so he took her away. And we don't know where."

I felt sick to my stomach. And hoped to god that I didn't see that dream in my sleep tonight, the last one was terrifying as it was. But she was gone, and she'd left not breathing. For some reason I still felt it in me to find out where she was. As if I needed to see for myself that she was without life. I gave them a gentle smile and nodded the best I could to look grateful. They did their best, and so did I.

"Thank you."

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