Author's Note 1

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Hello everyone!!! :)

How is everyone doing on this fine evening? I'm not doing too badly myself, just preparing for an exam tomorrow about 12 hours...

Anyway, I just want to thank you for your support so far. 400 views for 9 stories! That's quite a lot. I'm really glad you enjoyed this. I will get more of "The Lucky One" up as soon as I have the time, and maybe come up with more cheesy or awesome stories. I never really attempted short stories before so I'm surprised at how this is turning out. 

If you haven't yet, please check out my Big Hero 6 Fanfic, "Sacrifice for Love", and the sequel as well. I'll get more of the sequel up soon when I have time too. And also a novel in its preliminary stages, "A Mortal for the Gods" because who doesn't love the Greek and Roman gods? Aren't they EPIC?!

Ahah well if you don't want to I'm not going to force you. 

Anyway, so I'm going to study again. Hopefully all this stuff is going to stick in my head for tomorrow. I got away lucky once, hope I can do it again teeheeeeeee. :)

Peace out. Good night. :)


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