Chapter 5 - Packing and leaving

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"Just a minute ago I called mum. I asked her to come and pick me up. She is getting on the plane and will be here tomorrow probably lunch tomorrow or maybe morning. I need to leave, I can't stay here at the moment. You haven't done anything wrong dad and it's not your fault ok. I just need some time away and I need my mum. I need to be with her and I have to be with her. I need to go home with her and I will be back in a few years. I just need to get away and be with her dad" I said

Dad started crying a little bit.

"If that's what you want then you can go. You will always have a home here you know that Tia? If you need to get away and have some time away, I understand. If that is going to make you feel better to be and stay with your mum, I support your decision. Just please try and call me sometimes so I can hear your voice and you don't completely disappear. I am going to miss you so much but i that's what you want, I understand. I am not angry. I am happy for you to go to your mums" Dad said

"Thank you dad. I am going to miss Sam, Emily, Leah, Paul, Quil, Seth, Jared, Jacob, Leah, Paul and Embry. I will also miss Billy and my two best friends. I want you to tell them why I was crying and having a panic attack yesterday. But please don't tell them I am leaving till I have left because it will only make it harder for me to go. Can you do that for me?" I said

"Of course if that's what you want. I promise I will tell them why you were crying. I won't tell them you left until you have. Let me go call Sam and your friends mums and Billy so they don't worry about you" Dad said

"Okay, I am going to speak to Bella" I said

"Alright I'll go call the others right now" Dad said.

I walked upstairs to Bella's room and walked in.

Recap over

Tia's pov

I walked to Bella's room and walked in and shut the door behind me.

"What do you want brat?" Bella said

"I know you don't care but I just wanted to tell you that my dad died yesterday. I am sad and lost and I could really use my sister right now because I don't know what else to do" I said

"I don't care if you need me, I am not your sister. Good I am glad he died but it should have been you instead of him" Bella said

I started to cry. She is so horrible to me.

"Why are you so mean to me? What have I ever done to you Bella? Why do you hate me so much?" I said

"Your not my sister and I hate you so much. I don't care if we share a mum. You are not my sister and never will be. I hate you so much. I am mean to you because you don't belong here. He is not your dad he is my dad and you just ruin peoples lives and I hate you so much. Just leave me alone." Bella said

"Why? Bella please tell me. Why do you hate me so much? I need you right now I am upset and have just lost my dad. Why do you hurt me so much?" I said

"I don't care leave me alone Tia. Leave me alone Tia. I hate you so much. You ruin everything. My life was perfect till you walked into it and I hate you so much. I beat you because you deserve it and all you do is hurt other people including me. I wish you would just disappear and never come back that would make me happy." Bella said

"Well I am leaving. I am packing my bags today and tomorrow and I am leaving. Mum is on the plane right now and she is picking me up tomorrow. I am going back to Phoenix Arizonian. I will be gone for a couple years. I will miss you so much. it will be hard to leave but I need to. I need to get away from here and be with mum because I need her and miss her. I will miss you very much too. I will leave you to relax now. Bye Bella" I said and stood up and started walking towards the door.

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