chapter 37

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Thursday January 8 11:57pm

I was laying on my bed on my stomach scrolling through Instagram with ottie next to me. Then I heard a knock on my door which I already new who it was.

Y - *looks up* yes?

A - whatcha doing?

Y - scrolling, you?

A - nothing

Y - let me guess *puts phone down* your bored?

A - kinda *lays next to you* hey I have a mission tomorrow but your gonna go with Sam so she can train you

Y - train me to do what?

A - you have to pass a fitness test you know

Y - what kind?

A - well first you have to complete 100 sit ups, 55 push ups, a 3 mile run in under 7 minutes, 60 pull ups, and 70 squats but holding one of those weight things

Y - well the running is easy peasy because I did track and I was the fastest runner, but the rest is gonna be a little difficult.

A - and then on top of all of that an obstacle course which will help when your on a mission and you need to jump over things.

Y - are you gonna do the test for me?

A - of course. I'll be there when your doing your test and going through the obstacle course, think of me as your coach

Y - what about Sam?

A - its just tomorrow that she's gonna help you. Oh and then I need to help you with your aim

Y - ok *smiles* I'm excited

A - good *kisses you* what do you wanna do?

Y - we should go on a walk

A - right now?

Y - well I need to try running again to see if I need to work on it.

A - ok then but I need to change

Y - yeah me to I am not running in a dress

We both go change and I get dressed into this⬇⬇⬇

We both go change and I get dressed into this⬇⬇⬇

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