It is now early 2021. Over the last few months a lot of things have changed for the super friends. Since returning from Argo Kara and Lena both were brave enough to broach the subject of potentially moving in with each, even though they basically slept over at each other's apartments daily. They both just wanted to make it official, and have one specific residence where they both could call home. Lena was sort of interested in just moving in to Kara's apartment, as over the last few years that apartment had felt more like home like no other place. But both Lena and Kara admitted that the apartment was too small for both of them to store all their stuff. Especially seeing as Kara already has all her clothes out on a clothes rack. Kara suggested that they just move into Lena's apartment as it was in a great place in the centre of the city, it has a balcony for Supergirl activities, it has incredible security that Lena designed, Lena owns the apartment rather than them renting one, and it was large enough for 6 people, let alone the two of them. But this time Lena wasn't keen on the idea as she wanted her and Kara to move into a place that they could both call home and start creating new memories there together. Kara then came up with the idea that maybe they should completely redecorate Lena's apartment together to make it feel like their home. Lena liked the idea but took it a step further and said that they could completely remodel the apartment. Kara didn't like the idea at first because it would cost a lot of money, but Lena quickly eased those concerns from Kara's mind. So the two eventually settled on completely remodelling Lena's apartment. This included Kara and Lena spending several nights together making plans for how they wanted to design their new apartment. Once they had agreed on the designs and Lena had drawn them up Lena immediately hired a team to begin work. While the work was taking place Lena moved in to Kara's apartment, which of course made the clothing situation all the worse. Eventually Lena decided to just put some of her clothes in storage along with some of her stuff that she already had there.
In other news all the super friends spent Christmas at Kara's apartment, which Kara was insistent on calling her and Lena's apartment. The whole group had a lot of fun, and Lena spent several hours helping Kara with the Christmas Day cooking, which basically resulted in Lena doing most of the work in fear Kara would ruin Christmas by burning all the food. All the friends had fun that night and the highlight for everyone was when they all exchanged gifts and once they were all done Alex got down on one knee and proposed to Kelly, who of course said yes.
Meanwhile both Nia and Brainy, and J'onn and M'gann were happily still in their own relationships, going strong. So overall the group of super friends were all very happy. Kara was particularly over the moon that for the first time in what seemed like several years there hadn't been a major crisis that required her to team up with the other super heroes. Kara would later come to regret this thought.
After Christmas the next moment to celebrate was New Year's. Lena insisted on taking Kara to Paris for New Year's Eve, and flying them in her private jet. Kara reminded Lena that she could just fly them there a lot quicker than any plane Lena could design, but Lena said that the main reason she wanted to fly in her private jet with Kara was because she wanted to join the mile high club with Kara. Kara was shocked that Lena had never joined the mile high club before, but was more than happy to take Lena's private jet in this case. Kara and Lena spent New Year's Eve at the top of the Eiffel Tower where they had a secluded romantic dinner. As the New Year rolled in Lena kissed Kara passionately and then held her in her arms as they both watched the fireworks go off around the city.
Presently it is about a month later, Kara and Lena are sitting on Lena's couch in her office having lunch. The two still regularly have lunch together once or twice a week, not because they are both desperately clingy, but because they simply enjoy sharing lunch together to have a break in the middle of both their hectic days.
"Hmm, so I got some news from the builders, the apartment is going to be ready in a few days." Lena says.
"Wow really? Have you seen it?" Kara asks.

The Long Life of Kara Zor-El
RomancePost season 5. Kara and Lena's friendship is renewed once more, but this time with no secrets between them it turns into something more. Kara and Lena begin dating. A few months into their relationship Kara reveals her biggest fear to Lena, living f...