Come Home Soon

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Did you guys miss me?

This is chapter 99 out of 100 guys!! AND I HAVE SOMETHING BIG FOR NEXT CHAPTER!

Shoud I leave this book at 100 chapters and make a second book to it, continuing the story?
If yes, it'll be titled "When I Fell For My Sensei"
If no, I will just continue the story right here in this work.


Scroll to the end for amazing fanart!!!!

Update on Fire & Smoke (OC x Bakugou): I've put this story on the back burner the last month as I've had several commissions to keep up with but a new update will be coming next week.

Update on Mini Series: Currently working on (and almost done with) Kurenai's death and Emiko's miscarriage

"Do you miss being in mommy's belly?"

Kakashi chuckles as he holds Kei up in the air above him while he lays next to me on the bed.

"Do you little man? Do you miss mama's tummy?"

Keitaro stares back at Kakashi before breaking out into the wide grin that makes our hearts swoon.

"Two months in the real world, I'm sure he doesn't even remember being in there." I tease.

Kakashi bring him back down, scattering exaggerated kisses all over his cheeks.

"I can't believe he's two months old today. It feels like he was just born a few days ago." Kakashi says as he sighs and cuddles him against his chest.

"I know. Times going so fast."

He sighs louder, this time glancing over at me.

"Exactly why I don't want to go on this mission. What if I miss something big?"

"I know honey but it's 10 days and like you said, you may even be able to come home sooner."

He gets up from the bed and walks over to the changing table in the nursery, facing away from me as he changes Keitaro's diaper.

"10 days for him to learn how to walk or tie his shoes or something." He mutters.

I laugh loudly, sitting up on the bed.

"You think that at 2 months old, in the 10 days that you're gone, he will miraculously learn how to walk?"

He gives me a silly smile from over his shoulder before turning his attention back to our fussy son.

"Hey, you never know. This child is a piece of me and a piece of you and that just means he's destined for greatness." I walk over to him, putting a hand down on his shoulder before picking up the wrap carrier and putting it on tightly.

Kakashi picks Kei up, gently placing him against my chest and helping me fit him nice and snug into the wrap. He loves being in the wrap and always ends up passing out a few minutes after being put into it.

"You sure you're up for walking to the gates with me? I don't want you to overwork yourself or get overwhelmed with the baby on the way back."

I look down at Kei as the sleepiness starts to settle in on his face.

"He'll probably sleep the whole time. Besides, we want to see you off."

Kakashi leans forward, stealing a kiss from my lips.

Falling for my Sensei •• Kakashi Hatake x OCWhere stories live. Discover now