Plot: A world where the supernatural exist a world where the age of god still thrive the world sense a great danger and requested help Gaia and Alaya had selected a number of heroic spirits the reason why they would help is because the said threat would have the ability to travel to other worlds which would bring disaster to theirs now all they needed was an anchor or in terms a master to help the selected heroic spirits to be able to stay in the new world fortunately Gia(DxD) was able to find a suitable master by the name of y/n bloodborne now how will those's of the supernatural react to finding out that their world is hanging by thin thread and that their lives are in the hands of a human whose species they saw as inferior but unknown to them y/n was going to show them that they should not underestimate him or humanity and that it was the rise of the world's chosen hero
Name: Y/N Bloodborne
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Golden
Gender: Male
Race: American. Magician. Human
Age: 18
Status: Alive
Appearance:Normal Abilities:
1. Enhanced physical peak condition
2. Enhanced reaction
3. Enhanced senses
4. Enhanced spearman
5. Enhanced swordsmanship
6. Enhanced horseback rider
7. Car driver
8. Enhanced bowman
9. Leadership
10. Enhanced intelligences
11. Enhanced awarenessSpells:
1. Fire magic
2. Water magic
3. Wind magic
4. Earth magic
5. Lightning magic
6. Holy magic
7. Duplication Magic
8. Shadow magic
9. Reinforcement magic
10. Healing magicTitles: leader of the Tempest Faction. The sword master king. The scabbard of Artoria Pendragon. The sheath of the king of knights. Student of Merlin. Lover of the chase huntress. The harem king. The host of the mystic eyes of death perception. The unforeseen storm. Bastard. Lover of the king of knights. Master. Demon. Host of the mystic eyes of transience.
The necklace: This necklace was made by Merlin to help conceal y/n's magic power so that those's who are involved in the supernatural will only believe that y/n is just a normal human boy
Story Idea Book
RandomHey guy this is me making a book for all my ideas I have bottled up in my head and need a place to put them and if you want you guy can give me ideas for stories but before That the stories must involved the male Reader okay good and the shipping wi...