Chapter 33

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'Black dress with the tights underneath
I got the breath of the last cigarette on my teeth
And she's an actress (actress)
But she ain't got no need'


Thea Hayden

I woke up in Harry's arms , the best way I could wake up. I start to shift a little because I remembered that I have a double shift at the diner then I'm going out tonight with Sloan and Juliet. We've haven't hung out in a while. Even though I still live with them, I spent most of my time either at Harry's ,  at the loft with my siblings or at the hospital with my aunt.

I try and pry Harry's sweaty arm off of me and he lets out a groan, "Baby,no." He protested and nuzzled into the crook of my neck and peppers kisses all over my bruises. "I'm sorry green eyes, gotta go to work." I sigh and he tightens his hold on my waist. "All work, no play." he mumbles into my skin and I laugh, "Harry, I haven't had a double shift in two days and a I spent most of those two days with you, naked." I tell him and I feel him smile against me."I think we need a third day of nakedness." he nods into my neck and continues leaving sweet kisses on me.

"Sorry, baby. I got a double shift at twelve and it's eleven now. I also have to write my lit paper after I get back and then I'm going out with Sloan and Jules and maybe her girlfriend Amy tonight. " I explain to him. "Good lord, that's a lot of fucking shit to do." he takes a hold of my hip and squeezes it. "Yep, so I should get up now and get dressed." I quickly get out of his hold and get out of bed. "Heyyyyy." He whines like a child, which is fucking adorable. 

I go into his dresser where half of my wardrobe lives now, we just can't seem to be without each other. I will admit that sleeping without him now feels really weird , like apart of me is missing. I throw on a pair of yoga pants and a dark green crewneck and for shoes I put on my black docs. I find a hair clip that I left in his room and twist my hair up into that weird thing and clip my hair in the back with strands falling in front of my face. I go into the bathroom and quickly brush my teeth and put on some of his deodorant.

I walk back into the bedroom with Harry fully dressed in black jeans and a grey hoodie with his hair back in a messy bun. "Harry, baby. What are you doing? Go back to bed." I peck his lips and pick up my phone and keys and throw them in my backpack I always bring to work with me, it carries the essentials. "Nope, walking princess to work." he shakes his head then slaps my ass."Love that pants." he smirks as we head out the door.

We decided to take the long walk to the diner because I got ready relatively fast. We talked of mindless things while sharing another pack of cigarettes. I can't believe how fucking lucky I am to be with a man so fucking sweet and so fucking hot, like Jesus Christ . Who said he could be fucking molded by a god. I don't know why he's in love with such a fucked up person with a fucked up life but he loves me and that's all that matters and that he honest with me, I can't take any more lies.

"So, what are you and the girls doing tonight?" he asks while taking another drag of the cigarette   and resealing the smoke while throwing his head back so I could see his prominent jawline. "Jules said something about a club." I wave my hands around and throw my hands around. "A club?" he questions and raises his eyebrow.

"Yeah, gonna get all dressed up and go out." I smile and he takes a hold of my hand as I throw my cigarette in the garbage. "Really" he states and squeezes my hand. "Yeah." I say under my breath."Going to go out and look all hot without me m'love?" he takes a hold of my waist and he starts walking backwards as I walk forward. "I suppose so." I sigh and shrug my shoulders as he takes one last drag of his cigarette then throws it on the ground.

"Am I going to be able to see you at all tonight?" he brings his mouth to my ear and whispers slowly which sends shives up my spine. "If you're lucky." I say back in the same tone and wrap my arms around his neck. He starts trailing kisses down my neck until he reaches my collar bone and nips at the skin lightly until I take his cheeks and lift his face up to mine. "Nope." I emphasize  the 'p'. I squish his cheeks and shake his head and stop walking.

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