Chapter 25

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IT'S A CUTESY CHRISTMAS CHAPTER WHOOP WHOOP!!!! I'm really trying to catch up to current time and that's why I'm gonna try to post a lot more.

Another thing I wanna ask is did anyone watch the Yahoo Livestream of the Chicago show last night? I watched it and I was crying so hard and it was probably the only way I'll ever see Pierce The Veil live. oK CARRY ON!

~Victoria .-.


Kellin's POV

"YOU HAD BETTER WAKE UP KELLIN BECAUSE IT IS CHRISTMAS YA FUCKER!!!!!" The sudden shouting wakes me up in an instant and I screech, falling out of bed and landing on the floor of my apartment bedroom. Looking up I see Justin, his face screwed up in laughter as tears coat his red face.

"Holy shit Justin don't wake me up like that! I thought the place was on fire or something." I grimace, getting up from the cold, hard ground.

"Yeah, on fire with the Christmas spirit!" he yells, jumping around like a little kid on, well, Christmas.

"Yeah yeah, I get it. It's Christmas. What are you even doing in my apartment at nine in the morning?" I ask, checking the clock on my nightstand.

"Cause it's Christmas and as Cindy Lou Who once said, "No one should be alone on Christmas."" I roll my eyes at his childish antics before following him out of the room and into the small living room where everyone is sitting.

I look around the small space, noticing that basically everyone is here. Tony, Jaime, Jack, Justin, Nick, Gabe, Jack's girlfriend, Justin's girlfriend, Nick's girlfriend, and Gabe's girlfriend all surround a 6ft Christmas tree. I notice that two people are missing from the festivities, though, and I feel a bit lonely despite everyone there.

"Where are Vic and Mike?" I ask, looking around.

"Oh yeah. They wanted to stay with their parents for the first half of the morning but Mike said that they'd be here around eleven." Nick explains.

"Why do you ask? Are you missing your Viccy Poo?" Justin teases.

"No. I just thought that things would be better if they were here to join in on the fun." I say, giving only half the truth.

The truth is that I really do miss Vic more than I let on. I wish that we could be together again but I'm too much of a stubborn person to come out and say that. But honestly, not telling Vic that I'm still head over heels for him is ruining my life. But I can't tell any of these idiots about that.

"Hey? Earth to Kellin. Are you still with us?" Gabe asks, waving a hand in front of my face.

"Huh? Yeah, I'm still here."

"Good because we're about to open presents." I nod and follow him to the Christmas tree.

Jack claps his hands loudly, silencing and getting the attention of everyone in the room.

"Okay! I say that we let Kellybear here open the first present. So, here ya go Kellin." Jack tosses me the first present and soon everyone starts getting their presents.

I sit down a little bit away from everyone, looking at the sender of the present. I smile slighlty, gazing down at the scribbled little writing.

To: Kells

From: Vic :)

I open the present and my smile grows as I gaze down at it.

"Hey Kellin. Who's that present from?" Nick asks me.

"It's from Vic." I whisper.

"Oh really. What is it?" I show him the photo album and he smiles. The rest of the guys see the book and they all come over to us, their girlfriend's following close behind.

"Can you show us?" Gabe's girlfriend asks.

"I say he looks at it in private. That's a very special present." Jack's girlfriend states.

"I agree. Besides, it could have some very "private" photos in there." Everyone laughs before walking into the kitchen to make breakfast.

Once they're all gone, I gather up all of my presents and bring them into my room. I set them off to the side before sitting cross-legged on my bed, the photo album placed delicately in my lap.

I run my fingers over the front, reading the gold letters engraved into the leather cover.

Our Memories

Opening the album, I spot some words on the back of the front cover. I smile as I read the ever-familiar handwriting.

Dear Kellin,

I started making this photo album when we first met because I wanted a little something to remember our friendship and our relationship and I figured that I would give it to you as a Christmas gift. I still love you, Kellin, and I hope that maybe you still feel the same. If you don't, that's fine but I will still continue loving you. Here is all of the memories that I've captured. I hope you like it.

Vic :)

I wipe away my tears, a smile still on my face. I can't believe this. Even after all of the shit that I've recently put him through, he still loves me.

I spend the next few hours just flipping away through the pages of mine and Vic's memories, recalling the memories of certain photos and just smiling like an idiot. I can't believe that he put this whole thing together for me. For us.

Once I'm done going through the book, I pick up the super tacky Christmas card and open it. As soon as I do, a CD falls out. I glance down at it, picking it up and examining it. I see the cover and my wide smile grows even wider.

A white piece of notebook paper, fitted perfectly inside of the case, reads Our Songs. On the back, a white piece of printer paper sits inside, small black type reading off all of the songs on the mixtape. I can't believe that he put all of this together for someone like me when all I've been is horrible to him.

I grab my laptop from the side table, powering it up and putting the CD inside. Placing the open laptop back on the table, I lay back and smile as the thirty-two songs fill up the room.

After twenty-something songs, someone knocks on the door. I pause the music and walk over to the door, opening it to see someone that I've been missing so much recently.

He gives me a sad smile and gives me a look. A look that says how much he has really missed me and how lost he is without me. I know because my eyes probably show the same thing.

Without even having to think about my actions, I wrap my arms around him in one big hug. This seems to calm him because he instantly relaxes, wrapping his arms around my waist. I breathe in, inhaling his sweet scent as I run my hand up and down his back.

"I've missed you, Kellin."

This causes me to smile, knowing that I might just have him back.

"I've missed you too, Vic."


Don't worry because this story is not over yet. So, how is everyone? You guys feeling a little bit better knowing that Kellic is almost fully better. This was really just a cutesy chapter but I've been emotionally unstable ever since the Yahoo Livestream last night. Yeah okay. Let's see if I can get another chapter in before the night is over.

Song for this chapter: "I Miss You" by Blink 182

~Victoria .-.

Caraphernelia ((Kellic))Where stories live. Discover now