Day 4: Kiss the Cook

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Hey there readers...
I really hope you are enjoying this read so far and let me know what you think in the comments. I am very grateful that there are peolpe out there reading this and I am sorry about my grammer.
A shout out to my BFF Kid Lany <3

Barbra P.O.V.

Just like I had predicted,I was regreting my midnight adventure. I forced myself out of bed to take a shower then got dressed into a hoody and sweetpants. I didn't bother with a shirt because it was freezing. Indication that snow was on it's way. I loved snow but hated the cold.

It was already eleven in the morning.

I hope Afred safed me some pancakes...

After breackfast I found Damien snuggled in front of the tellevision.


"G'morning, Damien,"I walked towards him and crawled over the many cussions and blankets. "How am I suppose to find you in this mass...Dick told me you weren't ticklish." I had managed to sit down beside him.

"Never been," for the first time since I've arived,Damien sounded nervious.

"Do I sence fear,Damien Wayne?" I leaned over and before he could answer, I started tickling him. I had eventually founded his tickle spot on his side and he was now rolling with laughter.

"Stop...please stop..."

"What is that?More?" I tickled some more.

"No no no...stop..."his ten year old giggles were so adorable but when he started to threaten that he would make shure I will never taste Alfred's delicious food, I stop. He gulped down air before slamming a pillow into my face.

"Oh its on!!" We had a pillow fight and he was quite strong for a ten year old."Okay I surender."

"I win. Damien rules." Damien jumped up celebrating his victory.

"Okay, Macho Man, lets build a fort and ask Alfred to quit and be our butler instead.

Bruce P.O.V.

I was on my way to leave when I heard giggles come from the movie room. I made a quick detor and peeked inside only to be amazed at the giant fort taking up most of the space. Alfred emerged with an empty trey and smiled.

"What happened here?" I asked and heard another round of giggles. I immediatly recognised Damien and Barbra.

"Master Damien and Miss Gordon has built their own mannor. They are currently eating in their dinningroom in that corner."

I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face. "Alfred,  would you please drive me to the office I have another..."

I was cut of by Damien from within the fort,"Alfred doesn't answer to you anymore, father. He has quit and is working for us now!" Damien laughed and Barbra chimed in.

"Sorry,Bruce. It was Damien's idea,"she stiffled a laugh.


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