Chapter 24

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Sam entered the room once again, but his mood changed, he looked slightly worried as he walked over to us, well over to me, "That was Trevor, he was wondering if I knew where you were and I said you were here, he's coming to collect you, no questions." he sighed as everyone frowned, Ally looking over at me, "It'll be okay, maybe he calmed down and wants to talk." She suggested in attempt to relax me. I force a smile in thanks for the effort and push myself off the floor, out of our little tent.

"Ally could be right, maybe he wants to hear what you have to say, make everything right between you two." Shawn suggests, joining me out of the tent, his guitar forgotten on the ground. "thanks, but I don't think that's the case." I sigh. walking away over to the bed furthest away from everyone.

The doorbell rang ten minutes later and Sam got up to answer it. I heard Trevor's voice as he greeted Sam before asking where I was. Sam led him inside and at the first glimpse of Trevor I looked away from his gaze, I can't change what I did to him, I've lied to him and basically cheated, I wouldn't even want to see me right now, why does he?

"You ready to go?" Trevor asks, his voice soft and gentle, I didn't know whether to be relieved or afraid. I allowed my eyes to gaze over at Ally. what would she do? As if reading my mind Ally looked at me and smiled, "I'll be fine Rachel, we can meet up before you leave and we'll stay in touch." She promised, staying at her spot beside Cameron on the ground.

"Lets go." Trevor whispered, helping me off the bed. I gave Sam and Shawn a quick goodbye hug and then walked over to Cameron and Ally who pulled me into a small bone crushing group hug before finally being let go "Bye guys." I sadly smiled and waved as I left the room, Trevor holding my hand as we left.

I got into our rental car as Trevor got in the drivers seat, both of us buckling our seat belts as silence fell over us. I didn't want to be the one to start the conversation, especially when Trevor was driving and anything could possibly get him distracted, but I wanted to know what was going on, should I be frightened by his mood or relaxed?

I mean he wasn't tense while sitting beside me and he looked calm, but that could just be a cover up so I wasn't afraid.

I glance over at Trevor as he drove taking his eyes off the road for a spilt second before looking away a small smile appearing on his face.

As if reading my mind he spoke, "I'm upset at what you did but I haven't heard your side of the story, I'm sorry I burst out like that, I-" "No." I cut him off, he looks at me in confusion and then pulls the car off the road to a stop turning to me so I could explain.

"You had every right to be mad, I lied to you and went out to see Chris and I feel awful about it, I, I just..." Sighing I shook my head reconstructing the sentences quickly in my head.

"Chris said he wanted to be friends, so I though that maybe it could work or maybe if I went he would leave me alone, I'm not even going to lie, it was awkward as hell, yeah it was kinda okay but I love you Trevor not him, you have to believe me."

Almost in tears I crawled onto his lap as he held his arms out to me, wrapping them around my shaking body as I quietly cried, "I really am sorry, I won't see Chris again, I swear I won't, I don't want to lose you." I whisper as Trevor soothingly rubs my back, "I know Rachel I know, I love you okay, never forget that."

"I love you too Trevor, only you."


Short chapter but yeah

You guys guessed Trevor right xD good job!

Hope you enjoy and maybe give it a thumbs up (this story is almost at 700 votes! only 12 away that's insane!!!)

Thanks for reading and sticking with me through this book so far :)

Rachel out :p

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