Special | After All This Time

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We've hit 50K! I can't say anything I haven't said before, but I'm going to say it again anyway. Thank you to my readers who commented, voted, even just read the book. It gave me the motivation to finish and it honestly just made me really happy. Honestly, the thing I love most about timezones is that I get to wake up to so many notifications and comments that it starts my day off happy. 

LOVE YOUUU!!! 💕 💗 💞 💓💕 💗 💞 💓💘 ❤️💘 ❤️


September 1, 1993

"Julius! Watch out!" Helen yelled, trying to get her idiot of a brother to watch where he was walking. Julius let out a joyous laugh, his feet practically floating over the platform.

"Helen, we're going to the train!" Julius said excitedly, jumping as he pushed his cart forward and Helen rolled her eyes. SHe couldn't understand how her brother was always so energetic about everything. Especially after their parents... weren't.

"I know, but I don't want to have to rush you to Saint Mungo's because you fell in between the tracks and were cut up into tiny little pieces and they barely managed to put you back together. Especially on the first day of school." She saw his face fall and his skips stop.

"Really?" He asked, eyes wide, and Helen nodded solemnly.

"Be careful and stay away from the train tracks."

Despite her brother being eleven minutes older than her, he still acted as the younger one, always so childish and innocent. She was the one who toughened up so that people wouldn't go after him. She was the one who took care of him at school.

But it's not her parents' fault. In fact, she was going to see them in a few minutes.

"Mum!" She heard Julius yell, making the heads of some muggles turn to him. He waved enthusiastically to a couple standing right in front of the 9th and 10th platforms. "Dad!"

They turned around and Helen was immediately shocked at the brilliant blue eyes of her mother, eyes that she inherited. But, she also got her father's hair and a strange mesh of both their faces. Julius, on the other hand, was the spitting image of their mother. Other than the few changes, he was practically her in every way. Face, hair, eyes, mannerisms, personality. It made her a bit jealous that her mother and Julius were able to overlook things so easily, but Helen knew that her mother had learned from experience.

After all, everyone had heard about how Myra Lupin née Potter escaped You-Know-Who's clutches and stood up to him. People still whisper about how they suspected that You-Know-Who feared Myra Lupin's power, feared what she could have become, feared how she could overthrow him. People still whisper about how he tried to make her turn to him, make her his follower. But, despite everything she had gone through, she refused and she stood her ground.

Myra Lupin née Potter was Helen Lupin's biggest role model.

"Julius! Helen!" Mum exclaimed, equally as excited as Julius. She let go of the tall, lanky man beside her and hurried to the pair. Both of them received equally large hugs from their mother.

Helen knew about her father, what he had. She knew that there was a reason why her parents always left Julius and Helen with the Weasley's for a couple of nights a month. She knew that her mother stayed beside him, making sure that he didn't hurt himself. Ever since they had found out, Julius and Helen both took it upon themselves to learn everything there was to know about werewolves. Dad wasn't really keen on it, wanting to keep his children far away from what ailed him. But Mum encouraged them, telling them that they should seek whatever knowledge they want to. She even let them (two five-year-olds) 'present' what they had researched at the end of every week.

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