Chapter 29: Found

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"Can we go now?" Ben asked.

Zane turned around and looked at Shawn who had gone back to normal.

"Are you good now?"Zane calmly asked.

"Yeah...sorry."Shawn said feeling way better.

"Alright,Phil is your arm okay?"Zane asked.

"It stings I guess,but yeah It's fine." Phil said.

"Alright,It's getting dark and I see a shed out there!"Will said pointing East.

"Hurry!" Zane shouted.

They all sprinted into the Shed and Ben locked the door behind it.

"I guess we will just Sit around all night."Zane said.

About an hour later,only 2 people were still awake.

Will and Phil were those people.

"Hey Will." Phil whispered.

"Yeah?"Will whispered back.

"No offense but I know nothing about you,Where are you from,what things do you like?"

"Um...I used to live in San Francisco and I watch to much TV...well used to."

"I miss TV what else do you like?"

"I like music I guess."

"What kind?"

"Beatles ,dude."

"No way!Which song is your favorite?"

"Come on dude,that's like picking a favorite child.I would say Let it Be or Yesterday."


"Yeah,your turn."

"Um...okay.I was born In Colorado.I love doing charity work and I too,watch to much TV."


Will was interrupted by a knock on the door.

Ben,Zane,and Shawn woke up to this immediately.

"Oh no." Phil said.

The side of the wall with the door, was ripped away by Killmore.

Standing behind him was the Boss,10 soldiers,and Dallas who looked awkwardly at the group.

"Oh yeah!"Killmore yelled.

"We really want to kill you all,but we will give you a chance!Come with us."

"Bullshit!You will kill us anyway."Zane said standing in front of his friends.

"Yes,but you will get to live a little longer."Killmore added.

Will whispered into Zanes ear.
"We should run for it."

Zane looked at Will with desperation and then Looked at the boss.

"We...will go with you."Zane calmly said.

"Great,weapons on the floor."Killmore said.

They all threw their weapons down and walked out.

Right when they all started to walk away,Zane shouted.


Will Zane And Ben got a head start but Phil and Shawn were pinned to the ground before they could get far.

The boss sighed,"Open fire."

All soldiers ,including Killmore,opened fire into the night.

Someone got shot two times and he fell down a ditch.

Zane tripped and got captured by Killmore.

"We are leaving!"The boss demanded.

"What about the other two?"Killmore asked.

"There is nothing special about those two,we got what we need."The boss said back.

Zane was in shock.

He had seen either Will or Ben getting shot,but he couldn't see who.

Phil and Shawn didn't see it but they knew something was wrong.

But the three couldn't do anything,so they went with the Pals,into the night.

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