We had decided, after we where almost skinned alive by Jenny, to also board a ship to begin the manhunt.
We figured out that Micheal was taken by some pirates who where on the way to the Jamaica. Jamie found a ship named the Artemis and after a heated argument, he agreed that we took Eilidh with us. He found a ship not suited for a young girl and I declined to leave her here in Scotland without me. So he could choice.
Jamie was supervisior over the cargo and as we board the ship I looked at him.
"Your seasickness?" I asked and he smiled.
"Ah kin handle that mair than bein' castrated by Jenny," he helped Eilidh on board and then turned towards her. "Lass This is aff tae be raucle trip," Eilidh looked at him.
"Pfft if ye kin handle it, Ah kin," she rushed towards the cabine.
"This is why I never doubted that she was your daughter," before he could answer somebody called out and we sat sail.Eilidh quickly found her way on the ship and as expected Jamie threw his stomach out over the railing.
On my way to him I touched the horseshoe. Knowing that the crew believed that Women on a ship where bad luck.
"The Scottish with their superstition," I mumbled and he laughed as he took me in his arms.
"Aye, Yer folk haes an' a' a few superstitions oan thair ships," he fired back and I laughed.
"True women are also not welcome on their ship. And don't forgot that they can't eat red cabbage on the day of departure. Or that leaving on Friday brings bad luck and even storm on Sunday," I rolled my eyes. "But then again Women are always the symbol of evil in this time,"
He laughed and before he could kiss me a voice sounded.
"Milord, Milady," Fergus walked towards us. "Mademoiselle," he took his tricorn hat and bowed for Eilidh who popped up next to us.
"Whit?" Jamie asked and Fergus turned around and helped a young blond girl on the deck and I saw Jamie turned pale.I looked from Jamie at the girl and I recognised somebody familiar in her.
"Arabella?" Jamie asked. "Whit th' hell urr ye daein' 'ere?" He asked and I stepped closer.
The girl, Arabella, apperantly looked at Fergus. "We ur merrit," she answered with a smile.
"Na yer nae," Jamie fired back and he took Fergus by his arm and I looked at the girl.
"Do I know you?" I asked her and she looked at me as I saw Jamie having a heated argument with Fergus.
"Na, Bit ye ken mines mither. Ailsa." She answered happily and I froze.
"Wait how old are you?" I asked. Because the last time I saw mine only friend, besides Jamie, on Leoch was 15 years ago and then she was 4 months pregnant as far as I knew.
"15," she answered again with a smile and I looked at Fergus. Who was 23 and I knew why Jamie reacted shocked.
"Mines mither aye tellt stories aboot ye. She wis gey fond o' ye," she smiled and I smiled at her aswell.
"Well it's nice to meet you Arabella," I shook her hand and Eilidh also shook her hand.
Jamie came back and announced that Arabella stayed with me until we reached Jamaica so they could properly wed there. But something in his face told me he was totally not agreeing with it.
He then rushed inside to find a place where he probably could sleep out his seasickness.Arabella was just like her mother a fun girl to hang around and she made quick and good contact with Eilidh and acted up like a big sister towards her.
Which left me to worry less about mine daughter and focus on Jamie.
"What is that?" I asked and Jamie looked at the same direction I looked.
A wooden crate.
"Ah let a few fowk pick up oor stuff fae Lallybroch," he closed his eyes and I walked towards it.
Opening the lid, I was shocked to see what was inside. "Mine dresses from Paris," I picked up the red dress I wore a lifetime ago, when we had that fatal dinner. "Why didn't you sell them?"
"Sell thaim? th' memories o' ye?" He opened his eyes. "Ne'er,"
"I probably won't fit them anymore. But Eilidh can with some alternations and I can give a few to Arabella," I closed the lid.
"Hmm," Jamie closed his eyes and leaned back. "Came here," he holded out his arm and I nesteld myself closer to him.
I heared the laughter of Fergus, Arabella and Eilidh on the deck. The screaming of the crewmembers to eachother and sometimes a short warning, if someone swore, that there was a child on board.
"How did you know Arabella?" I asked Jamie and he opened one eye.
"Efter culloden. Ailsa visited lallybroch wi' Lachlan 'n' Arabella. Wha wis three back then. We stayed in contact. She wis th' ainlie body ah cuid blether wi' aboot ye. Even tho ye guys ainlie spended a few months combined th'gither," he pressed me closer. "She cried me godfather o' Arabella. By th' lack o' ye."
"Why haven't you told me about her?" I asked him and he sighed.
"Mò Gràdh, Thare is tae muckle tae tell ye 'n' we ainlie spend a wee amount o' time back wi' eachother."
"True," I looked at him. "Would you gave them your honor when the marry?"
"Na," he answered only and then I heared him snore.
I looked at him. A little bit jealous of his gift to fall in sleep so easily. I stood up. Judging on the sun that shone throw the small holes it was almost evening and my stomach ached. I heared Eilidh laugh again and I smiled as I left the cabine to join them on our first night on a long trip.A/n
I realised by watching the serie that writing 10/12 years earlier than the orignal timeline it would bring trouble, Since Marsali, our other slaying female Charachter, is 6/8 years old now.
But then I thought of Ailsa, first book, and her unborn child back then.
So meet Arabella Greer Fitzgibbonz MacDonald.
Daughter of Ailsa and Lachlan
Air ais ~Outlander~
Historical FictionReunited This is book 3 of the series so SPOILERS!!! After Skye figures that Jamie is alive she spend the next two years comminting herself to find him. When she figured out where he is, she travels back with their Daughter, but was that the best...