Jade (Y/N) Gets Crushed

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*If there are any grammar or spelling mistakes, please let me know and I will fix them as soon as I can. Thank you!*

Word Count: 6,170
Warnings: Curse Words, Mentions of Sexuality

Y/N= Your Name
L/N= Last Name
F/A= Favorite Animal
F/S= Favorite Snack
"..."= Talking
'...'= Thinking 

Third Person POV

Y/N hummed quietly at the gentle music that played throughout the empty lobby. Tori, Robbie, and him sat beside each other, enjoying the music that Andre wanted them to hear.

"Nice fingering."

(I swear, wtf is wrong with the directors of this show...)

Robbie complimented as the song came to a slow end. 


"I think it needs work," Rex said in a matter-of-fact tone.

The tallest male rolled his eyes at the puppet and laid his arm around Andre's shoulder. "You're just mad that you can't play an instrument with your...plastic flimsy arms."

Rex gasped and tightly 'grasped' onto his shirt. "Hey... that's a sensitive topic." He grumbled, getting a comforting squeeze from his partner in crime.

"Exactly, now shush," Y/N whispers before turning towards Andre with a bright smile. "So what's the song for?"

"Friday night concert?" The nerd guess, but the idea was shut down when Andre took out a class folder.

"Nah, it's for my advanced songwriting class."He glanced at the cramped papers inside, most of which were failed lyrics for his newest song. 

The male sitting to the right of him leaned forward to read a few of the scribbly lines out of the bundled mess. "So it's for a semester project?"

Andre nodded. "Yep. And it's wiggin' me out." He scratched his nape nervously, but was stopped when Y/N began to pat his shoulder reassuringly. 

"Well, put your wig back on." Tori giggled and teasingly slapped the anxious teen on the arm. "'Cause that song sounds really cool." She smiled and pressed a few keys on his keyboard.

"Thanks. But I got no lyrics yet and it's due in three days." Andre sighed, staring at the ground disheartened.

Robbie perked up as the chance of helping his dear friend surfaced. "Well, I'm awesome at song lyrics!"

Y/N ran a hand through his hair, exasperated when he remembered when Robbie sang him a song for Christmas to cheer him up from Sikowitz's secret Santa gift. It wasn't pleasant.

"Run! Save yourselves!" Rex blurted without a second of thought. He didn't have the ability to run away from the nerd, but the others did and if it meant being nice for once, so be it.

The female brunette huffed and shook her head.

"Come on. You play your song, and I'll just spew out whatever lyrics pop into my brain." Robbie offered, setting Rex down against Y/N's backpack that was placed on the stairs.

"Okay." Andre shrugged and got ready to play the song he worked so hard on.

"I'll record it then..." Y/N sighed and got out his phone as well as preparing his ears for the monstrosity that Robbie would somehow create. 

The nerd grinned and raised his fists slightly up in the feeling of victory. "Yessss."

"All right, here ya go." 

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