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scarhead : heyyyxjxnxnx

celestia : what do you want

scarhead : yure rlly prrttttttyyyyyy
scarhead : iiii czzzant waaaiiytt tkoo
gooi yoo tdeee carnivakkk wifhh uuuuu 💖💖💖

celestia : bloody hell
celestia : are you drunk?

scarhead : jjust a little tipsyyy
scarhead : Iii'm wif ronnnnn and mioneeee
but were alll REKKTTTT at
astronomyyy towerrr

celestia : don't you have other friends
you can contact?

scarhead : no friendsssjxjzjz
scarhead : just celesttyuaAA
scarhead : HEyyy celestiaaaaa
scarhead : youRe so priteee
scarhead : *Pretii

celestia : ugh i'm coming
celestia : i'm so gonna regret this

scarhead : my superherooo
scarhead : super celestiaaa
scarhead : TO THE RESCUEE


scarhead : what the fuck happened

celestia : good morning
celestia : let me help you visualise
celestia :

celestia : good morning celestia : let me help you visualisecelestia :

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celestia :

scarhead : WHAT

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scarhead : WHAT

celestia : other than that
celestia : you threw up on my shoes

scarhead : NOOOO 😩

celestia : your ginger friend
pulled my hair

scarhead : RONN??!!?!?!???

celestia : and the smart one kept on quizzing
celestia : that girl thinks shes the fish girl
who wants to go to bahamas
from that one muggle youtube video istg

scarhead : I AM SO SO SORRY

celestia : next time you get drunk,
please contact someone else 😭😭😭😭

scarhead : of course!
scarhead : i am so so sorry celestia
scarhead : ugh this is just brilliant
scarhead : if i said something weird...
blame the alcohol

celestia : whatever
celestia : BTW you send me this yesterday
on airdrop
celestia :

celestia : whatevercelestia : BTW you send me this yesterday on airdropcelestia :

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scarhead : BLOODY HELL
scarhead : I HATE DRUNK ME

celestia : drunk you is the best more
funnier version of yourself

scarhead : i'm going to sleep
scarhead : i'll talk to you later <3

celestia : send me a heart again
and i'll crucio your ugly ass
celestia : cut off your wee wee and hang it by the
chandeliers at the great hall

scarhead : woah🐒

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