Wounded (AlexAlbonxMaxVerstappen)

Start from the beginning

"Thanks. If you open that cupboard you should find everything we need." I followed his instructions and pulled a basket full of things. Sewing needles, bandages, band-aids, thread, cloth, a bowl, tweezers, vodka...

"Why do you have vodka in here, Verstappen?"

"Two reasons: 1, for disinfecting and 2, for drinking. Pass it here," Max smirked and reached out his hand for the bottle. Shaking my head, I passed him the bottle and watched as he unscrewed the lid and drunk straight from the mouth of the bottle. As he pulled his lips away, he winced slightly and I couldn't help but wish to kiss those lips, if not to distract him from the pain for just a second. Pull yourself together, Albon.

"I've never done this before," I said.

"Ok. We'll do it together then. Don't worry." He was the one who was bleeding out on his bathtub and yet he was comforting me? These freaking heroes never stop, do they? "First put the needle, thread and tweezers into the bowl. Then pour enough vodka into the bowl to just cover them. And whatever you do, do not waste the vodka!" I rolled my eyes and did as I was told.

"Now what?"

"Now, grab one of those cloths and dip it into the vodka; then we need to clean the wound." Before I did that, I moved closer to Max.

"Arms up," I whispered. He raised his arms into the air like he was reaching for the moon and allowed me to slip his shirt over his head, not once letting his eyes slip from mine other than when the shirt blocked his view.

I turned back and grabbed the cloth, ensuring it had enough 'disinfectant' on it before dropping to my knees before Max.

"Will you look at that, I finally made the great and mighty Alex Albon kneel. How are your other evil friends going to feel when they hear about this?" Rather than replying to his comments, I chose to press the cloth against his side. He let out a satisfying hiss at the pain. I gently dabbed the cloth around, smearing the blood but otherwise cleaning the injury.

"There's nothing in there, is there?"

"No, it was just a clean stab in, stab out."

"Good, because I was not prepared to dig through your body for a tiny piece of metal." I wrinkled my nose up at the thought as he chuckled.

"Now, the worst part of them all. The actual stitching. You need to tie a knot in the thread, thread the needle and push it into the skin," Max said confidently, whilst I was shaking in fear. Despite the whole us being enemies thing and regular fighting, I didn't want to hurt him. And yet he continued with his explanation, apparently completely unaware as to how I was feeling. "Pull it through the wound and out the other side. Then, move in a zig zag pattern over the whole wound. Once you get to the end, tie another knot and we should be done. Also, please try to stay as close to the edges of the wound as possible without risking the stitches simply pulling out of the skin." My eyes widened with all the information he had just thrown at me.

"Ok, I think I've got it."

"Sorry, I know that's a lot but once we start, I'll have a cloth in my mouth to muffle my pain, so I kinda have to tell you everything now." Max at least had the decency to look sheepish.

"Alright, you ready?"

"Ready when you are." Max nodded. And then we began.


Sighing, I finally sat down on Max's bed. That had not been enjoyable for either of us. Max had been in a lot of pain and I hated to see it. I just wanted to wrap him up in bubble wrap and put him on a high shelf, far away from the world and especially away from sharp swords.

However, despite it all, we managed to get it done. Once the stitches were finished, I had cleaned the wound once more before placing a large band-aid over it; just enough to protect it from getting too wet. Then, I had shoved Max into the shower and cleaned up the rest of our mess, making sure everything was back exactly where it was before. Which brings us to now, me sitting on Max's bed, waiting patiently for him to return. Luckily, I didn't have to wait too long. Max soon stepped out of the bathroom, still dripping wet and with just a towel around his waist. I let myself admire him, knowing with our current status of enemies, it would be unlikely for me to see this again any time soon.

"Alex?" Max interrupted my thoughts.


"Could you help me put the bandage on please?"

"Of course." I wrapped it around his stomach, ensuring it wasn't too tight or too loose before letting him slip away to put on some boxers.

"How are you feeling?"

"Sore." He shrugged. "But overall not too bad."

"That's good. But still into bed you go." I placed my hand against his back to gently usher him into his already turned down bed. He slid into the covers and I pulled them over him, tucking him like a parent with a child. I leant down to kiss his forehead before spinning on my heel to leave.

A hand grabbing my wrist quickly stopped me in my attempts though.

"Stay. Please? For me." Max's pleading eyes looked up at me and I immediately knew I couldn't say no.

"Shuffle over," I sighed and stripped myself of my clothes. Lifting the covers, I wriggled in next to Max and soon found him cuddled up close to me. His head lay on my chest and his arm over my waist, but he was still careful to keep his injury away from my body where it could be accidentally brushed against. Two enemies pressed close together, one as good and as kind as the sun, the other evil as rain on a beach day.

"What now Alex?" Max whispered.

"I don't know, Max, I don't know."


7 years later

"Hey hon?!"

"Yeah?" I yelled back from the other side of the house.

"Where's Lizzie's socks?"

"Probably in her draw!"

"But they're not in here!"

"1, 2, 3," I counted to myself, waiting for the inevitable reply.

"Never mind, they were in the draw!" I nodded to myself, chuckling at my husband's stupidity.

"Ready to go?" Max stuck his head into the doorway of our kitchen.

"Yeah, I'm just going to scull the rest of my coffee. Do you wanna put Lizzie in the car and I'll be out in a second?"

"Sure. That means you have to drive though." Max wiggled his eyebrows up and down.

"Ok. See you in minute then." I blew him a kiss as he walked back out of the room. I was so lucky to have him in my life. An amazing husband, a beautiful little daughter and a job that suited me so well. Deciding to start working at Max's headquarters was a great idea and without it, I would probably not be where I was today.

But who would have thought two enemies could end up so in love? And to think it all started from a stab wound.

Author's Note:

Lmao, really sorry😂😂. This is probably another one of those one shots where this is not at all what the requestor wanted so oops. But once I got the idea stuck in my head, I couldn't get it out. I hope you enjoy it anyway

Thanks for reading:)

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