It was after six days, when he asked for space. Clarissa was doing alright after hearing about pregnancy. Though it was not planned. She is with a baby. She grinned twirling around the room.
Door bell ring.
She frowned who could it be? Mira was already out. She opened the door, seeing her standing infront of him. She narrowed her eyes, trying to shut the door, only for him to stop it.
"So you are pregnant?' He asked awkwardly. Her eyes flared as she glare at him.
"How do you know?" She asked bitterly.
"Doctor... He called me" He said, rubbing his neck.
"What do you want?" She asked coldly.
"I...I .." he looked here and there not knowing how to start.
"Don't you want space? Than go back to your space. Go " She yelled shooing him away.
"No, wait" he stopped her before she could shut the door on his face.
"I know I was being an asshole but.. but there was a reason" He said.
"A reason? A reason? You got to be fucking kidding me" She said her anger flare.
"I..I wanted you to be safe" He said.
"Safe in what sense?" She asked.
"I I.. am receiving threats calls" He said.
"Threat calls? Why?"
"I don't know at first I thought it was just a joke but.. a few days ago something happened at the site and some files went missing " he gulped down.
"Those where important file so I thought it might be about business but later on I started recieving something different." He sighed.
"The reason I sent you away is because I was receiving threat calls about us" She froze at his words. This man is taking decision on her life. Who the hell does he think he is?
"I wanted you to be away and safe" her eyes widen as her fist clench.
"Who the hell do you think you are to decided what I want in my life or not?" She yelled glaring at him.
"So why are you here?" She huffed. He could have told her from the beginning but no.
"I can't let you go through the pregnancy alone" Her jaw clenched, he is just fanning her anger.
"What about the threat? The threat you so wanted to protect me from?" She asked.
"You think you can decide whatever you want"
"Do you think what I have gone through because of that?"
"Do you know I was having fucking self doubt?" He flinched as his eyes widen.
"How dare you come here and fucking justify it?" She walked up to him.
"Shut up" She punch him straight on his face he blinked stepping back shocked as tears fall from her eyes. He desperately tried to reach out to wipe her tears but she slammed the door.

Somewhere Along The Way
General FictionWhat will you do when something which is your is not yours anymore? One forgotten promise.. One who remember. One who forget. Heart Break. Betrayal. Tragedy. Pain. Will you fight for it? Will you let it go? She decided to fight for it even if it des...