Chapter 10

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Fallon wondered the halls as she so often did, her beady eyes watching out for any tedious misbehaviour she could pounce on with her desire to chat shit at any given moment, the opportunity to do so arising quicker than her brain could have wished.. Sam began to approach the fence, his slick hair and well adjusted suit flourishing in the natural light before Fallon's heavy arm slammed him back into the wall behind

"Going somewhere Samuel?"

"Fallon what the fuck mama? This is a new suit shit!"

Her eyes burned a deep hole into his head as she kept her heavy palm firmly against his chest bone, the look back far less amused as Sam eyed the fence from the corner of his eye

"I don't care about your new suit bitch? What is your obsession with that girl huh? What no friends? No boys to play with?"

"Back off Fallon! There's no obsession you're being delusional! She's just nice to talk to that's all!"

Fallon rolled her eyes shifting her attention to Camila who sat happily conversing with Mani, her bright brown eyes happy and filled with joy forcing her mind to return to Lauren's orders in not allowing the man to corrupt her in any way

"Yeah well Lauren doesn't like it! You're making yourself look suspicious if you hadn't already noticed and I know you're not dumb enough to cross her! So what's really going on?"

"Lauren doesn't like it of course that's what this is about! You know none of you ever stop to think that maybe having someone to talk to was on my agenda! No motive no play back just a fucking friend Fallon! She has us walking these halls with a set of rules stapled to our chests! We're not aloud to talk to packers we're not aloud to talk to guards! God fucking forbid I actually find someone who wants to converse with me!"

Sam slammed back forcing his way past Fallon's arm to exit down a hall leaving her stood with a confused eye as his words seemed to be so genuine, each fibre of his body going into yelling at how closed off their lives were forced to be.. it was true.. they weren't aloud to do anything however the mousy brown never cared as Lauren was the only friend she needed.. if she could even call her that..

After a moment or two in thought the black haired beauty came strutting by her side lifting a warm palm to brush against her back causing a jumping jolt as her brain flew back down to reality

"Seemed a little heated? You good?"

"Yeah? I just caught Sam but he flew back at me like a fucking crazy man? Said he just wanted a friend because he's 'not aloud to talk to anyone'... he seemed pretty upset?"

Fallon respond with a furrowed brow looking back at Lauren who immediately pursed her lips, the emotional connection to any kind of sympathy not something she was good at so relating Sam's grievance with simply wanting a friend didn't sit well in her complicated mind

"We all know he's a drama queen Fallon but I taught you better than to fall for emotional ploys did I not?"

"You did.. sorry, I just got caught up in his words I guess?"

She respond straightening out her skirt before following Lauren over towards the desk mounded full of weapons, a small whimper following through the hall catching both of their attentions before the 17 year old guard only yesterday scolded came slashing through into the room, his lip quivering while a broken gun sat pieced between his palms

"M-Miss Jauregui I'm sorry! I'm sorry I didn't mean to kill him! I just reacted and I-

"Hey! Slow the fuck down! What happened? And why does your gun look like a strippers heel after a long night?"

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