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After BTR leave the apartment, Tory, Chris, Xander and Zach head downstairs to explore the Palmwoods. When they reach the lobby, they run into the manager.

Manager: There are my favourite new members of the palm woods family! Would you four like some lemon drops? {holds out a class bowl with filled lemon drops}

All four: No thanks...

Manager: {With a plastic smile} Alright then, have a Palmwoods day!

Random boy: {Approaches the manager} I want a lemon drop

Manager: Beat it!

Random boy: {Walks away}

Zach: So, where do we go first?

Chris: I'm going to the arcade, I heard on guy say they have the latest version of death by combat in there! See yah {leaves}

Xander: Well, I am going to the library. Logans autobiography is in there! And I left my copy back home. Later! {leaves}

Zach: {To Tory} I guess well head to the pool!

Tory: Actually, I wanted to check out the music room-

Zach: {grabs Tory and drags her toward the pool area} To the pool it is!

When Tory and Zach arrive at the pool, they see a lot of different types of people, some were taking selfies by the pool, others were vlogging, some were even dressed in renaissance outfits and speaking in Shakespeares English. There were so many different people it was a little overwhelming

Tory: That's a lot of people...

James: Yup! So, we need to start establishing our status now.

Tory: Our what?

James: Our status, you know, what people well know us for...

Tory: Thats not a thing

Jake: {emerges from a nearby trashcan} Actually it is!

Tory & Zach: {startled} Ahh!

Tory: Who are you?

Zach: And why are you in a trashcan?

Jake: I'm Jake, Jake Miller.

Tory: You look kind of Familiar

Jake: {sigh}You may have seen the viral video of me crying at a birthday party...

Zach: {laughs} that was you? Oh my gosh! That video is hilarious

Jake: Well, lots of people thought so too, and I was offered many advertisement gigs, which is how I ended up here.

Tory: You must be really excited then

Jake: NO! This is the worst experience of my life! The reason I was crying at that party was because I have severe social anxiety! And my mom forced me to go because she thought itll help me get over it. Now, one of the most embarrassing moments in my life is a viral video! And I am now here, in a place full of intimidating people

Tory: Why didn't you just say no to the advertising deals?

Jake: Because, as hard as it may be to believe, Im not just a viral video, Im also a dancer, and when I saw an opportunity to go to LA and make my dream of being a professional dancer come true, I took it!

Zach: So, you're here as a dancer.

Jake: No, I havent really gotten around to the, being able to dance in front of people part yet...

Zach: Ahh... well, I can dance, in front of people no the less so, I can help you out

Jake: {excited} You would do that?

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