Chapter 17 - Mitchell's Dream

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Chapter 17 – Mitchell's Dream

Wednesday, April 15, 2026
Jones Orphanhood Academy (K to 10)
Cordina Lane, Houston, TX

Mitchell had already sent the kids to start their day at school. He sat and had breakfast with Katy. The latter figured something was troubling him.

"You've got something on your mind." Katy said. "I can tell."

"Of course, I won't lie. We are living in strange times now." Mitchell replied. "The year is 2026, technological progress has accelerated and improved areas such as artificial intelligence, and robotics, along with globalization. But this has wiped out millions of blue-collar and white collar-jobs in the last five years alone. Especially hourly in minimum wage realms. Now people are living longer than expected. I hope the kids at our orphanage, shall never have to resort to organized crime. Like many do nowadays, due to loss of jobs via technological obsolescence."

"So, what is it you wish?" asked Katy.

"Truth be told, my dream is they are financially well off, and become something of themselves. Even if we have a universal basic income implemented by 2035, of $31,000 per year. I want those kids to grow up to become even more successful. It's already bad enough people nowadays are on the streets, getting involved in shady activities" said Mitchell in concern.

"I know what you mean. But there also are some positives to this." Katy asserted. "From the Great Depression until just last year, most of us worked forty hours per week to be full-time. Nowadays, not only do people get paid thirty percent more, but they work only thirty-two hours per week. Giving them more time to relax. However, I dream the same as you as well."

"Then you know, my dream must be fulfilled. I am content with serving my purpose. But I also pray Dustin doesn't go back to his criminal activities. All he needs in his life is love, and I'm positive he loves you."

"I already told you what I feel for you, why can't you love me this way, too? Why must it be Dustin?"

"For one, he grew up without his parents' care. Abandoned at birth and left alone. I'm sure his time in jail has made him a better man. But I'm praying you'll reform him, and he'll change his ways for sure."

"Perhaps you may be right. Maybe Dustin may become a good role model for these kids."

"Perhaps, let's just hope!"


Dustin made his way to The Woodlands, in search of Rubio Salazar's manor. He was bent on collecting the one million dollars owed to him, before he served the last four years in jail. Many drones circled the sky, and he continued to observe the new city wonders built during his time behind bars, while the car was in autodrive. Finally, he reached the address, Dodson had reluctantly provided him. It was a gated area, and he honked outside the gate. A few guards then came outside to the gate. One peeked through the hatch.

"Hey, assholes!" shouted Dustin. "Let me in."

"Wait one!" said one of the guards.

They then opened the gate and came out wielding submachine guns. They blasted away the weapons at the bulletproof car, shooting its windows until the magazine cleared out. But they noticed the car was abandoned. They then went forward to investigate and came across a time bomb on the roof of the car.

"There's a bomb on the car! Get it out of here, quick!" said one of the guards.

Dustin was hiding under the car, unbeknownst to them. As the guards threw the bomb into a ditch, Dustin cunningly sniped each guard dead, having a machine gun equipped with a suppressor to silence the noise. Then he got out from under the car and ran towards the manor, before the gate automatically closed itself.

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