Chapter 47

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Normally, the amount of light in the morning would have blinded Emily into a silent rage. There's a reason why Morgan jokes around and calls her a vampire. Any amount of sunshine prevents her to snooze and she becomes very cranky. However this morning, in JJ's bed, she was all smiles and laughs.

They didn't have sex last night. No, they agreed that it was too soon. But that didn't prevent them to... explore.

The "No Sex Until Further Notice" rule was just one of their many new laws that they had been discussed throughout the night. Others include: "No sex on the job," "No flirting in front of the team," and "No telling parents until their relationships became serious." The only problem with that was that they were already kind of serious. They had to be. JJ was a mother and they had a job that didn't really support couples, especially not those of the same sex.

They didn't want the Bureau to know about their relationship (they weren't sure that they would be able to keep their jobs if they told anyone), but they did decide that they should tell Hotch. He was their boss and they agreed that he deserved to know. They hoped that he wouldn't separate them, but they knew it was a possibility. They decided that they were going to tell Hotch after the next case. Telling everyone else would have to come later.

Emily couldn't hide her grin when JJ kissed her neck. "Damn, woman. The things you do to me. You have no idea."

"Oh," JJ smirked in her sultry voice. "I think I do." She traced her fingers around Emily's body. Like Remi had once done, she memorized all the marks on the brunette's skin. "You never told me that you have tattoos."

"Quando finisce la partita il re ed il pedone finiscono nella stessa scatola," Emily recited in Italian. As JJ traced the quote on her waist, Emily explained, "The literal translation is 'When you finish the game, the king and pawn end up in the same box.' Which really is just a fancy term for saying that we all meet in the end. I got it when I was fifteen. In Rome."

JJ listened carefully. "Did you get it after your abortion?"

Emily surprised herself before by telling the woman what the quote had meant. She surprised herself even more by indulging her with more information. The type of information that she had held back with Remi and everyone else she had ever been with. "Yes. I wanted the pain of the tattoo, really. As punishment. I thought... I don't know. That maybe one day I could meet them. In heaven or wherever I go when we die."

The blonde kissed her gently, trying to comfort her after her admitting something so private. "That's beautiful, Em."

"I got my other tattoo undercover," Emily whispered, unsure if she said it too quietly. She knew that she was taking a chance with telling JJ so much, but she felt like for the first time like she could.

JJ blinked at her, not knowing whether to be surprised or underwhelmed. "I knew you were too good to be coming off of a desk job."

"I can't tell you about what I did. It's classified. But, I can tell you I definitely didn't have a desk job. I want to be able to tell you some of the things that I saw. I do. I want to be able to tell you about each one of my scars, but I'm not there yet. And I don't know if I ever will be."

The blonde nodded sympathetically. "That's okay. You don't have to tell me anything you aren't comfortable with. And I understand about it being classified. Just know that I won't judge you for what you had to do. And that I'm here for you."

Emily was in awe of the woman in bed with her. She shook her head in disbelief of her kindness and understanding. "Thank you."

JJ kissed her nose and told her, "You're welcome. Come on, Emmy. We should probably get up and get going. Though, I think I'd love to stay in bed with you forever."

"Me too," Emily said before groaning. She got up and started her normal routine in JJ's bathroom. It was ironic. Nothing about what they were doing was normal. But it was right.

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