Part 14

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The second task was today, there would only be one more task after this one. You kept on checking to make sure you had your gillyweed still because if you lost it there would be no chance at winning. All of the champions had to go to a meeting with professor Dumbledore and Mr. Crouch. You were walking with Cedric to the meeting talking about the task. Once you got there Mr. Crouch said that one champion from each school would go then once they all come up the rest will go. Not right away but very close. Or at least that's what he said.

Then you were thrown in the water petrified until someone came to get you. And that someone had to be Cedric.

Cedric's POV:
You were swimming all over the bottom of the lake until you saw any sign of merpeople. You didn't know what would happen after the one hour, you knew Dumbledore wouldn't let them stay down here but who would get them? You pushed that thought out of your mind and continued looking. Then you finally saw the top of a statue and went that way. Once you got to her you had to figure out how to undo the ropes. No one had come down here yet because there were still three people down here. You found a sharp rock and cut the rope. Now all you had to do was pull her up. You knew that Malfoy wasn't going to like seeing you pulling y/n out of the water but you didn't care. Once you got to the surface the bubble you made around your face popped and y/n was gasping for air. You pulled her to the shore and once she could stand she hugged you but it was more of a thankful, friendly hug.

Your POV:
The only way you could think of thanking him was hugging him. Of course Draco wouldn't approve but Cedric just saved you so you didn't care but now you had to go save whoever was thrown in the water for you to save. You knew it would either be Harry or Draco. More than likely it would be Harry since he was the last of your family. You shoved the gillyweed in your mouth and the canon blew. You dived in the water not knowing which way to go and just looking for movement or something that showed merpeople were there. After a little while you saw a statue and went towards it. At the bottom there were people tied up but you're weren't close enough to see who they were. Then you saw him. The person you never thought would be at the bottom of the statue was there. Cedric. Yeah you and Draco were going to have to talk. You were finding something to cut the ropes with. There was still three people down here so no one else had come yet. You didn't see anything sharp enough to cut the ropes. It was a long shot but you started to try and pull the ropes apart, and you felt them start to heat up then they burned apart. You had no idea you could do that, and now all you to do was pull him to the surface. (Sorry I forgot to say this earlier but Cedric and Cho are in the same year as you.) It was difficult to pull him up sense he was taller than you but you did it and by the time you got to the surface the gillyweed wore off. All you could hear were people cheering and clapping. Somehow you got him to the surface before the hour ended. Once you got to the shore you saw Harry, Ron and Hermoine.

"We thought Harry was going to have to be thrown in!" Hermoine says. "Yeah" You say almost as a nervous laugh but Hermoine hugs you. "Are you ok?" The three of them were looking at you weirdly and you realized that you never told them that you were dating Draco. You really didn't tell people a lot about your life. "Um yeah. I have to go talk with someone." You tried to leave but Harry grabbed your arm. "Who?" He asked. Well you may as well tell them. "Draco. He asked if I wanted to be his girlfriend at the ball and I said yes but I don't think it's going to work." He let's go and you go find Draco.

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