Chapter 59.1/59.2 Combined ✓

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I'm so tired. I don't want to fight anymore. I smile at Quinn and let my eyes close. A feeling of peace fills my body and the pain fades away. I'm finally free.

Soft, melodious laughter fills the air and my eyes snap open once more. Watercolor skies greet me, and I smile, knowing I'm about to be meet the Goddess once more.

"Hello, my daughter." The Goddess' voice wraps around me.

"Hello, Moon Goddess." I say as I sit up to look at her.

Once again, I find myself lying up on top of the hill in the meadow. I look over to see the beautiful woman kneeling beside me, smiling widely.

"My girl, please don't call me that." She says softly.

My brows furrow slightly. "What can I call you? I've never heard of anyone referring to you as anything other than Goddess. Though I guess I am very new into this world." I ponder.

She laughs loudly and the sound is music to my ears. It sends little goosebumps down my arms, and I find myself smiling sheepishly in return.

"Well, my daughter. Though the rest of the world calls me Goddess or Selene, in all honesty, I would love it if you just called me mom." She says shyly. "If that won't make you uncomfortable that is."

If dead people could faint, my ghostly ass would be on the ground once more. What does she mean I should call her mom? I had parents. I had a mom and dad. Not great ones albeit, but they were still my parents none the less. My mind keeps racing before something that passed through my mind suddenly clicks and my eyes fly open wide.

"Holy shit. I'm dead!" I screech. "I'm like, dead dead! I was shot! I'm like... really fucking dead, right now. Am I a ghost?"

I'm becoming more irrational as the seconds tick by. My breath is coming in short bursts while I am sure that my eyes are practically popping out of my skull.

"Just breathe, daughter."

She's pursing her lips tightly and at first, I thought she was upset with me for swearing in her realm, but I realize that she is trying not to laugh at me. Trying not to laugh at my outburst, or at how I never responded to her asking me to call her my mother and then jumped right into the "I'm dead" freak out.

"Okay." I awkwardly "hoo" out an exhale of breath between puckered lips. "Okay. I'm okay. Everything is going to be okay." Hoo. Hoo.

I pace back and forth in front of the Goddess. My mind a jumbled mess. I had been shot. I'm dead. Oh Goddess, my mates. They are not going to be okay. They are going to be a complete friggen mess.

Xander is the sweet and more quiet, alpha male. He is always so down to earth and handles everything with stride. When a situation arises, he hands it most rationally and with logic. Rarely will he jump to the violence route.

Quinn is quite the opposite; he has always been the more aggressive of the two. He is literally the bark first, ask questions second kind of man. I guess pun intended. When a situation arises, he is the one to growl or throw down before trying to talk it out.

Xander and Quinn are the epitome of Yin and Yang. They are the dark to each others light. They softened each other but, in all honesty, I don't know how they will handle this situation of having to watch me die, having to bury my body, having to say goodbye. I just hope that they will help each other through their grief.

My breathing calms slightly but a dull ache fills my chest. I don't want to leave them. I want a full life of being their mate and being loved. We had finally found each other again and given in to our magnetic pull only to be torn apart once more.

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