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ANIELA STOOD AT THE DOOR OF DANIEL'S HOUSE NERVES RUNNING THROUGH HER BODY. She knew that everyone was going to be there for the slow down music video release, and frankly she was terrified. She already knew that Corbyn had something against her, and she really didn't want Zach to get in trouble because of her.
Daniel had reassured her earlier that everything would be fine, and that if Corbyn or Jonah even dared to say anything, him and Zach would be the first ones to defend her. She was grateful for that, but really she didn't want any arguments caused because of her.
Sure she had met the girls, but it had only been a day since the group chat was formed. And yeah, they had all been talking non-stop, but she didn't know them like that. It was just a simple group chat. It wasn't like with Zach where they face timed and called and spoke to each other almost every day.
Long story short, she was terrified. She didn't even at least have Maddy there with her to lean back on when she felt singled out. And if Zach and Daniel weren't there with her, she was going to freak out. The night was just a recipe for disaster in Aniela's head.
The girl had convinced herself that this was the world worst idea, so she turned around and was about to walk back to her car. before she could make it even two steps ahead, Daniel opened the door excitedly to see Aniela there.
"Ana!" He cheered, grinning at the girl. Aniela paused her walking back to her car, now knowing that there was no turning back. She turned around slowly to face Daniel before walking back towards the front door.
"Hey." She smiled softly, sending him a small wave.
"is that ella?" Zach yelled from further into the house. The only thing he heard was 'ana' and that could've easily been daniel's sister, so he didn't want to just excitedly run for the wrong person.
"Yeah!" Daniel yelled back. The next thing Aniela knew was Zach's arms wrapped around her, causing her eyes to widen. Daniel laughed at her shock, remembering that she still wasn't used to Zach's energy.