14: First night

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Happy new year everyone (I know I'm late) but an early update as a gift.

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It was all going well

Till they stumble into a room, definitely hazy as taehyung was totally gone after just having two shots who was definitely persuaded by the very-known-for this, jin.

He was totally a light weight jeongguk notes and No more alcohol for him he decides.

Their families, mostly taehyung's probably must've snuck them into here because of course their first night and all that bullshit.

As soon as they enter jeongguk goes for the washroom for his night routine and freshen up a bit as he's still tipsy also to let taehyung make himself comfortable.

When he comes out he can see a Taehyung sized lump on the bed already and he notices there's no couch there for him to crash on so he yawns before lying down on the bed next to him.

When he feels Taehyung not moving at all and couldn't even feel him breathing he asks. "Taehyung?"

It was quite for a moment and then-

"Y-yes?." The mound squeaks cutely looking him through the covers and jeongguk isn't that tipsy anymore but maybe something's in the quiet of this night or he's really exhausted from the day that he's not even considering their situation and well position.

"If you were tired you could have turned the lights off." Jeongguk murmurs fingering the light switch on and off a little. He's feeling totally too comfortable for his own good and relaxed strangely.

"I-it's fine, I don't like d-dark I f-feel sick." Taehyung's eyes are wide.

Not at all comprehending jeongguk does the worst, reaches for him and puts back of his hand on his forehead and says "But You're not hot."

Taehyung stiffens and squirms a little and jeongguk frowns. "Hey. Tae are you-?" The 'okay' goes silent as he gently pulls the covers down from taehyung's nose, who doesn't put up much a fight but he does cross his hands over his chest.

Jeongguk stops right above his navel which was obviously visible as he's still wearing that cropped tee, which is pulled up a little to reveal his soft honey skin making jeongguk's face beat a shade of crimson. He clears his throat, breaking his reverie, not a deprived teenager he reminds himself. "Tae-?" he whispers and stops in the midst when he takes his eyes from his so soft looking tummy to look at his face,

He sees a scared, an open face with wide eyes full of discomfort, then the epiphany hits him and oh "Hey it's okay taehyung I won't- um I mean we aren't going to-shit! I wasn't-" He freaks out now of all the time but says softly leaning down a bit to look him in the eyes to not make taehyung freak too which failed obviously.

He was about to assure him that they're not going to do that and he should not be scared as he won't touch him without his consent again but he was stopped in middle of the sentence with-

"Please don't hurt me." Taehyung whimpers out, begging as his body begins to heave.

Jeongguk's eyes widen. "No. no no" Jeongguk jumps off the bed immediately and taehyung looks more frightened now.


Jeongguk jumps into action of freaking and flailing here and there not having a clue how to confront taehyung after saying 'No' like an idiot instead of an apology or some sort of explanation that it was all a misunderstanding. He feels like an idiot. An idiot who drank and must've got too clingy without realising about taehyung's privacy and why the hell he was staring at his tummy for goodness sake, it must've made taehyung think that he's a pervert & a creep too. He's an idiot he should've known that taehyung would think otherwise.

When he meets eyes with panicked taehyung again who's biting his lips, eyes widening more if that's possible, tears visible, he's clutching the sheets close to his chin so tight like these sheets would protect him.

So jeongguk finally rushes to the bedside and kneels. He looks at him and hesitantly pats his shoulder from the cover in oder to calm him down. He didn't know how taehyung would react but he's gotta try, the boy's panicking. "Hey taehyung. Breathe in and out slowly please breathe no one's going to touch you. I promise, I will never hurt you. Never let anyone, you can trust me you know you can and I'm not going anywhere. I will always listen to you. I won't force you into anything I promise."

Taehyung flinches and inwardly jeongguk feels like a dick. "I'm so so sorry. It's okay it's going to be okay, please breathe in and out." jeongguk made all the promises he could think of. He avoids getting too close to taehyung as an instinct but continues patting him. He knows more contact can make him panic more. He let's him relax and maybe that did the trick or just the shoulder pats as taehyung's not heaving like before, inhaling-exhaling like jeongguk had said. "You're going to be fine. I'm not going to hurt you, no one's going to hurt you." He murmurs gently.

After calming down Taehyung just looks at him but his breathing is finally evened out so Jeongguk sighs in relief.

There's a long beat of silence between them and before taehyung speaks jeongguk is contemplating all the ways how he'd take pillows with a blanket and will sleep on the floor, sounds like a plan

"I'm sorry." Taehyung finally says so softly, almost whispers. "I'm sorry, you h-had to- you c-can come to the bed n-now."

"No. No you don't have to be sorry taehyung, after all what happened to you before, it definitely was traumatic, you're bound to have panic attacks that's normal and an obvious thing to happen, if it doesn't that means you're not human and all I can do is. . .stay with you through all this and understand you. That's what I- we vowed right?" Jeongguk babbles helplessly.

He wants taehyung to understand somehow but he doesn't know how to make him.

But when taehyung nods otherwise, jeongguk can't help but sigh in relief smile wide. He doesn't know how to express it the other way.

"So. . .you can sleep on the bed taehyung I can crash on the floor you don't have to worry okay?" Jeongguk asks cautiously. It was almost like he didn't know what he was asking.

Taehyung sits up abruptly and says " No! You can sleep on the b-bed-I'm okay, I promise a-and we c-can-. . .can we put pillows in between i-instaed?." He says it so cute with wide eyes and lips pouting with words that jeongguk does all but melts at the way he speaks or his suggestion was too cute or just his. . .everything?

when he sits back on the bed taehyung scoots more to the side to make space for him and for-yeah their boundary pillows that jeongguk found in the wardrobe and he ended up lying down on the bedspread, getting another blanket to cover himself.

Taehyung asked to keep the lights on and jeongguk's glad that he's voicing his choices or maybe Taehyung's too drained emotionally and physically to be hesitant but he's still glad.

They both lie there awake for a long, waiting for sleep to finally overpower the chaos in their minds.

All they knew was that this was their first night together as husbands and there are about six cushions between them. They're supposed to be asleep too but are too scared to move into their comfortable positions in order to not look at each other accidentally in the process.

Will things get more awkward in the future?

Who knows.

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Duh I know 😏

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