Kirishima's POV
It's been weeks since (Y/n) went missing. There were no leads to her whereabouts and it felt like the police weren't doing enough to find her. The school went on a lockdown to protect the students, they even built dorms for the whole student body in a little less than three days so that we could all stay on campus. My grades started to drop from the amount of stress I was gaining every day that she was gone. It really looks like the teachers aren't to concerned about her being taken. I knew my classmates were worried as well, but they didn't want to talk about it while I was around.
I stuck with Bakugo and Kaminari for the most part. They were very concerned about (Y/n) missing too, but without any updated information, there wasn't much that we could talk about.
We just had to... carry on....
(Y/n)'s POV
This ever increasing itchiness in my throat became more unbearable everyday. Enough water to survive, but not to quench my thirst. It's all I wanted or could think about anymore. God, why couldn't they just kill me already! Wouldn't that be simpiler?
*knock* *knock*
"Hey, get up."
"Da-Dabi? Are you here to torture me again?"
"Boss actually wants me to stop you of everything."
"Strip me?"
"Well geez, I know your in a hurry, but let's take it slow."
"No, you can't do that! Get away from me!"
He pushed me onto the floor, but it was so dark and I could feel another set of hands. They felt smaller and more gentle.
"Toga, hurry. Get her shirt off and meet me in the hallway."
"Come here dangit! Shigaraki wants these off!" I felt my shirt rip off over my head and I layed on the cold hard floor in just a bra and underwear. The door slammed and once again.... it was just me.
"Is everything done?"
"Yes sir Shigaraki!"
"Good good... Toga, go do your part now, then meet us at the warehouse."
"You got it!"
I think a couple days have passed now. Nobody has been by to bring me food or water. Have they finally decided to kill me? Even my own father wants to see me die?
I was still naked, sitting on the cold hard floor. I had no strength, I could barely hold my head up. Everything was completely silent around me.... except... footsteps? Water, please... that's all I want....
Kirishima's POV
I stared at the TV with the rest of my classmates as the news reporters tried to show the old building that was consumed by fire on the top floors. This morning Principal Nezu received a tip that (Y/n) could be in there from the police. They wanted Aizawa and All Might to help search the building. Soon after the call, an explosion on the top floor of the fourteen story building went off. Our teachers hurried their way to the building and were currently inside.
One by one, both firefighters and heros exited the building, none of them had her. I stared, hoping to see a glimpse of hope, when finally my wish was granted. I saw a clump of half black and half green hair exit the building with All Might and Aizawa. She was wrapped in All Might's cape and looked like she could barely walk, but... (Y/n) was alive....
(Y/n)'s POV
I was taken straight to the hospital once I was rescued, and while a Dr. and a team of nurses looked me over, the police questioned me. They let me know that someone anonymously called and told them I was in the building. I told them everything I could and they left. Aizawa and All Might stopped by to check on me and then talked to one of my nurses. Aizawa also let me know that my mom was hysterical, but Nezu was keeping her captive at the school until tonight.
I had no major injuries. I had bruises all over and I was dehydrated, but besides loosing a little weight, I would be okay to leave the hospital in a couple days.
My mom visited and stayed awhile. She gave me my phone and brought me some of her homemade cooking. I could see the relief in her eyes, and I could tell that she had been crying. She left and said she would be back in the morning to help start my discharge papers.
My mind raced all night long though. My rescue was to easy. How did someone just happen to call in and, nobody was there to put up a fight? Over the past weeks I at least knew somebody was always there. They never left. So this.... the whole rescue... it was set up by....them....

Difficult To Forget // Eijiro Kirishima X Reader
Fanfiction[[ COMPLETE ]] Will become 18 later on. Potential Triggers Growing up without a Father has been more difficult for you than it should have. You have issues trusting guys when it comes to love, but it seems one boy is determined to change that view...