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"Hmm? Is that it?" Zachary, the old man questions from his post at the front of the room.

"Yes," Erwin responds. "With their assistance, sir, I'm certain we can reclaim wall Maria. Ergo, I believe our top priority is perfectly clear."

"Quite bold. Assuming you were given clearance, where do you plan to launch this operation from? Commander Pyxis," Zachary looks over. "The Wall in Trost district has been completely sealed, is that correct?"

"Yes," Pyxis speaks up. "I doubt it's gate will ever open again."

"We'll depart from Calaneth District, to the east. From there, we'll make for Shiganshina. A new route can be established as we proceed," Erwin explains.

"But that's ridiculous!" A man next to the religious guy yells, slamming his hands on the wood stand in front of him. "Our time and money would be better spent sealing up all the gates! They're the only parts of the Wall that the Colossal Titan can break, right? Let's reinforce the blasted things and wash our hands of the entire affair!

I hang my head, disappointed with everyone's bickering. This isn't getting us anywhere at all. How can my life be put into the hands of men who've never left the inside of Wall Sina before.

"Shut your mouth, you spineless merchant dog!" A scout yells at him. "With two Titans on our side, we can finally return to wall Maria!"

The merchant doesn't take to kindly to the soldiers words; "We can't afford any more of your childish antics, or your delusional of grandeur!"

I stay staring at the ground, thinking about how I'm probably going to end up dying along side my brother if this argument continues.

"Squealing louder won't help your case, pig." I look up when I hear the familiar cold voice of Levi. "While we're bolstering our defenses, do you think the Titans are going to stand idly by? And when you say 'we can't afford,' do you speak for anyone other than your fat merchant friends?"

A small smile finds its way onto my lips as I stare up at Levi. He's saying exactly what I'm thinking. A merchant in Wall Sina shouldn't be speaking on this matter.

"Do you pigs even realize, that most of our people are struggling just to survive off of what little land we have left?" Levi's arms are crossed over his chest.

"I'm simply saying that sealing the gates is the only guaranteed protection we've got," the merchant defends.

I watch as the crazy religious man turns towards the merchant; "Hold your tongue, you vile, belligerent heretic! Are you really suggesting that we lowly humans metal with Wall Rose, a gift to us from the higher being? The wall is a miracle! And it's divinity transcends human comprehension. Don't you understand?"

I tilt my head up to the ceiling, closing my eyes as I try to tune out the merchant and crazy guy argue. Part of me wants to transform and grab both of them, chucking them out of the wall and into Titan territory, but that would be wrong...

Zachary slaps his hand on his table and quiets everyone down. "Order! I asked that you save your personal sentiments for a more appropriate venue. Now then, Mr and Ms. Jaeger, I have a question for you two."

Eren and I both focus on the man, waiting to hear what he has to say. I'm curious if we'll get an opinion in the decision of our livelihood.

"As soldiers, both of you have made a solemn pledge to answer humanities call. Can you guys still serve by controlling your abilities?"

"Yes!" Eren answers quickly. "We will, sir!"

"Oh? Is that so?" Zachary sounds skeptical. "But this report from the Battle of Trost contradicts that statement." He then proceeds to look at the paper in front of him. "Just after transforming, Eren, it seems you made an attempt to crush Mikasa Ackerman and you tore your sisters legs of her body."

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