Lovesick Obsession - 2

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I hate when I have a tune stuck in my head. It aggravates me.
If only it wouldn't play on loop...
It's like a pesky fly, y'know?
Buzzing by your ear. Your nose. Your patience. Until finally... it wears thin.

I could compare my therapist to a fly.
Ms. Raymonds is absolutely the most obnoxious being on this forsaken planet, next to my lovely sweethearts boyfriend. Caspian Watkins took him from me but he'll soon realize he doesn't even COMPARE to me! So many hindering factors in my life....

This woman. My parents pay her to talk to me about my FeElInGs and all that. I'm fine. They're just suspicious. I quite like my thoughts to be mine. After all, they're like my property and with property...

you can choose who is allowed to trespass.

Ms. Raymonds is positively the mo-

"Jikki. Jikki are you even listening to me? How are you supposed to get better if you don't listen. Your parents are worried because you seem more distracted and your grades lowered. Could you please tell me what that's about?"

Ugh. She's using that sweet voice. I'll just give my equally sweet smile, the one that fools everyone.
And so I do, and I speak.
"Oh please don't worry Miss. I'm just tired is all. High School is stressful after all.... I'm sorry they came to you about this."

She's a quaint woman, Ms. Raymonds. Short. Stocky. And a bossom that her cats love to use as a bed, I'm sure. She's gullible too.

"Oh no no it's quite alright, I just hoped you'd be able to really talk with me this time." She pushed her glasses up, they're too big on her and those horned rims look tacky.
"How's school going for you?"

"Fine," I say, keeping my composure in that same smile. "My classes are starting to become a challenge, which I'm grateful for honestly... but sports have become a major factor in my exhaustion. Did you know they have us run miles each Monday and Friday? They've done this for a month now!"
I laugh it off. It truly is a hassle though. I hate it.
And my classes aren't becoming difficult, so don't think you can belittle me. If I'm recognized for my genius, I'll be separated from him. Schools truly are cruel. I wouldn't compare us to Romeo and Juliet because that's a terrible example for us! We won't end in tragedy...

"Try to take it easy when you can then. If you're being overworked, maybe you should take a break? When you get home at least. Take some time for yourself.... and your new little friend!"

She's giddy. Why. This isn't like her. Makes me wonder if I got a boner after thinking about Rhys (just THINKING his name gives me happy chills!), then I realize what she means when she pulls out a sock and googly eyes.
"Excuse me ma'am...? Why would I need that?"
I'm genuinely confused by this. Utterly bamboozled.

"I'm worried you get lonely because you don't mention any friends! So... I'm suggesting you make one! You'll have to tell me all about it next time though. Please keep yourself in health."

I acknowledge her sentiment with a smile and false promises about my health, then look down at the wonky-eyed sock when I leave.

I think I'll call him...


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