About W3C WAI


The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is an international public-interest non-profit organization where Member organizations, a full-time staff, and the public work together to develop Web standards. Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) is a key aspect of W3C’s work for the benefit of humanity.

This information extends the W3C Mission (vision, identity, design principles, strategic goals) to address accessibility specifics.


W3C’s Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) develops strategies, standards, and supporting resources to make the web accessible to people with disabilities.

See Introduction to Web Accessibility and WAI Resources.


The W3C vision is that the Web and related technologies are accessible so that all people with disabilities around the globe can participate equally in the digital world. That includes:

High-Level Objectives

To contribute to realizing the vision, W3C addresses the following areas:

  1. Specifications, standards, and technologies support accessibility:
    • Ensure that W3C specifications support accessibility.
    • Provide guidance on accessibility in other specifications and technologies.
  2. International accessibility standards:
    • Facilitate international multi-stakeholder development and communication so the standards can be adopted and implemented internationally.
    • Develop technical specifications to support accessibility, such as WAI-ARIA and accessibility API mappings.
    • Develop accessibility standards/guidelines for relevant tools and content.
    • Provide guidance beyond what can be included in these standards, such as WCAG Supplemental Guidance.
  3. Support understanding, adopting, and implementing accessibility:
    • Facilitate and promote translations of W3C accessibility standards and supporting resources.
    • Provide documentation on understanding and implementing accessibility standards.
    • Provide awareness and education resources, such as many listed in WAI Resources.
  4. Accessibility research:
    • Encourage effective international research to provide a solid basis for accessibility standards.
    • Conduct horizon scanning.

Current Work and News

Current work is introduced in What We’re Working On - Accessibility Activities and Publications.

New WAI publications, draft documents for review, and other WAI announcements are listed on the News page.

You can subscribe to get news announcements via e-mail, Atom/RSS feed, and social media from Get WAI News.

WAI Staff

To reach all WAI staff, you can e-mail [email protected]

WAI Working Groups

WAI includes the following Working Groups and Interest Group:

Within the Working Groups, there are also Task Forces.

Learn more about Participating in WAI.

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