Translations of HTML/XHTML specifications

This page lists translations of HTML and XHTML specifications. These are all provided by volunteers, and W3C makes no claims as to accuracy or completeness. If you want to contribute a translation please post the URI to (archive).

Note that the list of various translations is now managed on the Translations at W3C page. Please refer to that page for the latest list. This page is not actively maintained anymore.

Last updated: $Date: 2004/07/04 11:41:18 $

HTML 3.2

See Translations of "HTML 3.2 Reference Specification"


See Translations of "HTML 4.01 Specification" and Translations of "HTML 4.0 Specification"

(Old list: Translations of the HTML 4 Specification)


See Translations of "XHTML™ 1.0 The Extensible HyperText Markup Language (Second Edition)" for the latest list.

Modularization of XHTML

See Translations of "Modularization of XHTML™" for the latest list.


See Translations of "XHTML™ Basic" for the latest list.


See Translations of "XHTML™ 1.1 - Module-based XHTML" for the latest list.

XHTML Media Types

An XHTML MathML SVG Profile

See Translations of "An XHTML MathML SVG Profile (Working Draft)"


See Translations of "XFrames (Working Draft)"


Getting started with HTML

See Translations of the Document: "Getting started with HTML"

XHTML Modules and Markup Languages: How to create XHTML Family modules and markup languages for fun and profit

Masayasu Ishikawa, contact person for HTML.

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